Brief History: 2 cultures
The difference between Private and public privacy, compared to political activity and isolated
intellectual pursuits(Aries and Duby; Moore.)
Socrates states criticism over politics should be private
Aristotle recognizes difference a boundary between the affair of state and household’s
Confucius and Aristotle distinguish public activity of government and the private affairs of family life.
To regard the two as being identical in interest is a disaster that comes from a lack of consideration. (Tzu
1964: 106)
1. A private obligation of a son to care for his father overrides the public obligation to obey the law
against itself
2. A timid man who is pretending to be fierce is like a man who is so ‘dishonest as to sneak into
places where one has no right to be, by boring a hole and climbing through a gap
Lockets View Public vs Private
Locket’s public-private distinction disagrees with his concept of the state of nature, the legitimate
function of government, and property rights.
Locket’s main reason for uniting the commonwealth was to fix the mutual obligation on one another by
establishing gov’t.
Lockean’s were private behind walls. – without the pressures of others.
John Stuart Mills
Society should only interfere with actions of a person that concern others and not with the actions that
concern ones self.
Like LocketBelieve that liberty, property and life rights secure a persons privates spaces and domains
with out social pressures
Privacy allows intimacy and secrecy and control access to themselves
In both Cultures, privacy was a commodity purchased with power, money, and privilege.
Barriers such as walls, fences, and even servant secured areas of isolation
Seclusion on for the upper class
Lesser degree was also secured by those with more modest means
Philosophical definition: 2 types
Nonnormative(descriptive) privacy definition
Describes the state or condition where privacy obtains
Parents def: privacy is a condition of not having undocumented personal knowledge about one
that isn’t being controlled by others
Normative Privacy Definition
References moral obligations or claims. – DeCew said, “legitimate concern of others” she includes the
ethical considerations.
Being left alone
Right to be left alone
Condition or a right that a condition contains.
Six Categories of concepts of privacy(Solove, Moore)
The right to be let alone
Control over information
Restricted access
Privacy as a cluster concept
View on Privacy
Warren and Brandeis Concept
the “right to be let alone.” Instantaneous photographs and newspaper enterprise have invaded the
sacred precincts of private and domestic life; numerous mechanical devices threaten to make good the
prediction that “what is whispered in the closet shall be proclaimed from the house-tops.” (Warren and
Brandeis 1890: 194)
Richard Posner
Right to conceal discreditable facts about one’s self – Right to secrecy
The realm where an actor can act without disclosure and accountability to others.
Jeff Rosen:
“In order to flourish, the intimate relationships on which true knowledge of another person depends
need space as well as time: sanctuaries from the gaze of the crowd in which slow mutual self-disclosure
is possible.”
Julie Inness
States, “privacy is the state of an agent having control over decisions concerning matters that draw their
meaning and value from the agent’s love, caring, or liking”
Alan Westin
“privacy is not simply an absence of information about us in the minds of others; rather it is the control
we have over information about ourselves”
Gross Argues:
That privacy is “ the condition under which there is control over acquaintance with one’s affairs” – a
person who has legal right to make deciisons
“privacy is the condition of being protected form unwanted access by others
Physical access
Access to information
Gavisons argues privacy may be to narrow. This is because the view that the collection, computerization,
and storage of information doesn’t fall into her view because these activities often don’t reveal secrets,
destroy anonymity, or thwart solitude”
Those who view privacy as a cluster
Judith Wagner
Believes that privacy is a concept that ranges over inform, access and expressions.
Daniel Solove
Argues that the context-dependent approach for defining privacy
i.e. context of information can focus on certain dimensions of privacy that will not be as
important in different contexts like spatial control.
Argued that privacy is the right ot control access to and uses of person information and spatial location
Moral Value of Privacy
Stanley Benn
“Respect for someone as a person, as a chooser, implies respect for him as one engaged in a kind of selfcreative enterprise, which could be disrupted, distorted, or frustrated even by so limited an intrusion as
Privacy is morally valuable because it allows individuals to control the patterns of behavior necessary for
a stable and meaningful purpose.
Joseph Kupfer
“privacy is essential to the development and maintenance of an autonomous self ”
Privacy is a necessary condition for individual autonomy
General Critiques of privacy
Argue that privacy is from other rights such as life, liberty and property rights. Meanign several distinct
core meanings that are grouped together
Personal property right are the same as property rights
The “other values” critique
Argues that privacy is less important such as accountability, safety, or community rights. Sensitivity to
privacy violations makes one forget that more important, values are lost or minimized
Agree spying is useful for protecting children or our care who cannot protect themselves
Posner’s critique
Richard Posner argued that privacy in the economic sense determines how privacy out to be appkied in
specifit instances.
Emphasis on business deals: effect economy
Not personal information, opposed to a business, a person will tend to increase personal wealth
over the growth of the ecomomuy
He also states persons right to privacy of personal information is misleading and manipulative.
Data Mining, Surveillance and Transparency – Privacy is Dead
The growth of technology will eventually push privacy to extinction
Feminist Critique
Privacy protects domination, abuse and violation and it protect the hieracrchical power relationships
that subject women to subordination by men. This creates inequality
The right to be left alone(Warren and Brandeis.)
Information control(Alan Westin)
Privacy is the condition of not having undocumented personal knowledge about on possessed
by others(Parent.)
State of possessing control over a realm of intimate decisions, which include decisions of
intimate access, intimate information, and intimate actions
Morally valuable and worthy of protection
View it with suspicion
Required distance, space and solitude from public life(Aristotle)
City in Greece, considered Philisophical purposes
Quality of state of being selfgoverning
Likely to cause an argument
The act of interfering with something
The State of Nature
Locket is referencing without government but mutual obligation
Invasion or sudden attack
Doing Allowing Distinction
When people are harmed as a result of their behaviour, morally, it matters whether a person caused
harm or allow harm to happen to them.
Self Regarding Actions
Actions that only harm yourself or others without their consent
Others Regarding
Actions by someone that cause harm that are not of sound mind(not rational, free, undeceived,
consenting adults.
Actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority
the doctrine that an action is right insofar as it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of
the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct.
Self-governing state
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:
Article in Library Hi Tech · March 2007
DOI: 10.1108/07378830710735867
2 authors, including:
Adam D. Moore
University of Washington Seattle
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Privacy, Transparency, and the Prisoner's Dilemma View project
Value of Privacy View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Adam D. Moore on 09 March 2021.
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Adam D. Moore
There is little agreement about how to define the term “privacy.” For example,
Warren and Brandeis, following Judge Thomas Cooley, called it “the right to be let
alone” (Warren and Brandeis 1890: 194). Alan Westin (1967) described privacy in
terms of information control. William Parent argued that “privacy is the condition
of not having undocumented personal knowledge about one possessed by others”
(Parent 1983: 269), while Julie Inness defined privacy as “the state of possessing
control over a realm of intimate decisions, which include decisions about intimate
access, intimate information, and intimate actions” (Inness 1992: 140). Privacy is
also viewed by many as morally valuable and worthy of protection, while others have
viewed it with suspicion. This essay will review each of these areas, including (1) a
brief history of privacy, (2) philosophical definitions of privacy along with specific
critiques, (3) views about the value of privacy, and (4) general critiques of privacy.
A Brief History of Privacy: Classical Greece and China, Locke
and Mill
It is difficult to write about the history of privacy because of an overabundance of
subject matter (Ariès and Duby 1988–91; Moore 2005, 2007). This section will focus
on privacy as developed in two distinct cultures and within two different moral
traditions (see deontology; utilitarianism). While there may be many different
culturally dependent conceptions of privacy there is much overlap and a rich history.
The point of this section is not to highlight a single conception of privacy that runs
The International Encyclopedia of Ethics, First Edition. Edited by Hugh LaFollette.
© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2013 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
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across different cultural and moral traditions. Rather the focus is on a few different
traditions that promote privacy and provide a partial backdrop for current debates.
The distinction between public and private activity was entrenched in Greek
society by the time of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle (see aristotle; plato). Typically
the distinction was cast in terms of political activity compared to isolated intellectual
pursuits (Ariès and Duby 1988–91; Moore 1984). Both Socrates and Aristotle defend
the view that a life of intellectual and private pursuit was a worthwhile life. In Plato’s
Apology Socrates notes, “Perhaps it may seem strange that I go about and interfere in
other people’s affairs to give this advice in private but do not venture to come before
your assembly and advise the polis.” Socrates goes on to say that had he gone into
politics he would have been put to death for opposing injustice. He ends with, “A
man who really fights for the right, if he is to preserve his life even for a little while,
must be a private citizen, not a public man” (Plato, Apology 31d–32a). Socrates thus
affirms the view that criticism of governmental policy and officials is best pursued
behind walls of privacy.
Aristotle also makes use of a public–private distinction. First, he recognizes a
boundary between affairs of the state or polis and household affairs (Aristotle 1984:
2005–6, 1263b–1264b). Second, contemplative activity – which for Aristotle was
essential for human flourishing – required distance, space, and solitude from public
life (Aristotle 1984: 1861, 1177b). This is one of the first references to what was to
become a dominate theme in Western thought – the good life is not necessarily tied
to public activity (Moore 1984).
Plato, on the other hand, was openly hostile to privacy – deeming it unnecessary
and counterproductive in relation to the ideal state. In the Republic Plato writes, “in
the perfect State wives and children are to be in common … [and] houses … which
are common to all, and contain nothing private, or individual” (Plato 1892: 801,
543a). In the Laws Plato advocates the elimination of private spheres of activity:
The first and highest form of the state and of the government and of the law is that in
which there prevails most widely the ancient saying, that “Friends have all things in
common.” Whether there is anywhere now, or will ever be, this communion of women
and children and of property, in which the private and individual is altogether banished
from life, and things which are by nature private, such as eyes and ears and hands, have
become common, and in some way see and hear and act in common, and all men
express praise and blame and feel joy and sorrow on the same occasions, and whatever
laws there are unite the city to the utmost – whether all this is possible or not, I say that
no man, acting upon any other principle, will ever constitute a state which will be truer
or better or more exalted in virtue. (Plato, Laws, Ch. 5, 738d–e)
Plato views privacy as something that is inherently disvaluable in relation to the
perfect state. Moreover he recognizes no psychological, sociological, or political
needs for individuals to be able to control patterns of association and disassociation
with their fellows.
The public–private distinction was also well understood by the Warring States
period – 403 bce–221 bce – in China (Moore 1984). Like Aristotle, Confucius
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(551–479 bce) distinguished between the public activity of government and the
private affairs of family life (see confucious). While Plato rejects, Aristotle and
Confucius affirm, many of the six categories of privacy discussed below.
Confucius contends that “a private obligation of a son to care for his father
overrides the public obligation to obey the law against theft” and that “a timid man
who is pretending to be fierce is like a man who is so ‘dishonest as to sneak into
places where one has no right to be, by boring a hole or climbing through a
gap’”(Moore 1984: 223). Han Fei Tzu (280–233 bce) writes:
When T s’ang Chieh [a mythic cultural hero] created the system of writing, he used the
character for “private” to express the idea of self-centeredness, and combined the
elements for “private” and “opposed to” to form the character for “public.” The fact that
public and private are mutually opposed was already well understood at the time of T
s’ang Chieh. To regard the two as being identical in interest is a disaster which comes
from lack of consideration. (Tzu 1964: 106)
While not sophisticated and clearly contentious, the public–private distinction arose
and was a matter of philosophical debate in two distinct cultural traditions. In both
of these cultures privacy was a commodity purchased with power, money, and
privilege. Barriers such as walls, fences, and even servants secured areas of isolation
and seclusion for the upper class. To a lesser degree, privacy was also secured by
those with more modest means.
Within the liberal tradition the public–private distinction has been used to mark
the boundary of justified interference with personal conduct in the political theories
of John Locke and John Stuart Mill (see locke, john; mill, john stuart). For
Locke the public–private distinction falls out of his conception of the state of nature,
the legitimate function of government, and property rights. The sole reason for
uniting into a commonwealth, for Locke, was to remedy the inconveniencies of the
state of nature – the function of government was to secure the rights of life, liberty,
and property (Locke 1980: 5–30). On estates and behind fences, walls, and doors
Lockean individuals secure a domain of private action free from public pressures or
John Stuart Mill also limits societal or public incursions into private domains.
Mill argues: “The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any
member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others”
(Mill 1978: 9). Recognizing that harm could occur through action and inaction, Mill
accepted a version of the doing–allowing distinction (see doing and allowing) –
actions that cause harm are different from failings to prevent harm. In anticipation
of the question “won’t any action someone performs affect others in some way” Mill
offers his doctrine of “self-regarding” and “other-regarding” acts (Mill 1978: 78–82)
and addresses this question in chapter 5 of Utilitarianism (Mill 1861: 41–63). One
view is that, for Mill, strategic rules or rights provide the standard of harm and the
boundary between self-regarding and other-regarding acts. When an action violates
the rights of another, moral harm has occurred and appropriate action or interference
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is warranted by citizens or government agents. Liberty, property, and life rights
appear to be the kinds of rights that Mill endorses. If so, then like Locke, Mill uses
rights to secure individuals the moral space to order their lives independent of social
pressures. While not explicit in their defense, both Locke and Mill promote many of
the central features of privacy mentioned in the following section. Individual liberty
and private property provide a sanctuary against governments and neighbors.
Within private domains individuals obtain intimacy and secrecy, and can control
access to themselves.
Definitions of Privacy
Definitions of privacy are typically grouped into two general types. A descriptive or
nonnormative account describes a state or condition where privacy obtains. An
example would be Parent’s definition: “privacy is the condition of not having
undocumented personal knowledge about one possessed by others” (Parent
1983: 269). A normative account, on the other hand, makes references to moral
obligations or claims. For example, when DeCew talks about what is of “legitimate
concern of others” she includes ethical considerations (DeCew 1997: 58). There is
little agreement regarding the descriptive or normative components of privacy and
many of the definitions surveyed below could be cast along either dimension. For
example, we could define privacy as being let alone or as a right to be let alone. Privacy
could be cast as a condition that obtains or as a right that a condition obtains.
While admittedly imprecise, different conceptions of privacy typically fall into one
of six categories or combinations of the six (Solove 2002; Moore 2008, 2010): (1) the
right to be let alone; (2) secrecy; (3) intimacy; (4) control over information; (5)
restricted access; and (6) privacy as a cluster concept. We will take them up in turn.
Warren and Brandeis argued:
recent inventions and business methods call attention to the next step which must be
taken for the protection of the person, and for securing to the individual … the “right
to be let alone.” Instantaneous photographs and newspaper enterprise have invaded the
sacred precincts of private and domestic life; and numerous mechanical devices
threaten to make good the prediction that “what is whispered in the closet shall be
proclaimed from the house-tops.” (Warren and Brandeis 1890: 194)
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While acknowledged as starting the modern debate, the conception of privacy
proposed by Warren and Brandeis has been widely criticized as too vague (Gavison
1980; O’Brien 1979; Allen 1988; Bloustein 1964; Solove 2002). According to this
definition any offensive or hurtful conduct would violate a “right to be let alone,” yet
we may not want to conclude that such conduct is a violation of privacy. For example,
suppose that Smith inadvertently brushes against Jones as they pass each other on a
busy sidewalk – not every violation of a right to be let alone seems to be a privacy
violation. This conception is too narrow as well. Consider the case of covert
surveillance where a target is “let alone” but there is a clear privacy violation
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(Thomson 1975). In this latter case, someone may be let alone in some sense and yet
seemingly have their privacy violated.
Richard Posner has defined privacy as the “right to conceal discreditable facts
about oneself ” – a right to secrecy (Posner 1981: 46). Amitai Etzioni concurs, writing
that privacy is “the realm in which an actor … can legitimately act without disclosure
and accountability to others” (Etzioni 1999: 12). DeCew and others have criticized
this conception of privacy, noting “secret information is often not private (for
example, secret military plans) and private matters are not always secret (for example,
one’s debts)” (DeCew 1997: 48). Moreover it seems that privacy-as-secrecy accounts
cannot accommodate what has come to be called “decisional privacy.” Decisional
privacy, within the US context, has been defined as the freedom to make decisions
about a range of actions and behaviors, including contraceptive use, abortion, child
rearing, and sexual practices. Those who would defend decisional privacy claim that
making a decision about abortion, for example, may not be secret and yet still be a
matter of privacy.
Several authors have defended the view that privacy is a form of intimacy (Fried
1970; Gerstein 1978; Inness 1992; Rosen 2000; Cohen 2002). Jeffrey Rosen writes:
“In order to flourish, the intimate relationships on which true knowledge of another
person depends need space as well as time: sanctuaries from the gaze of the crowd
in which slow mutual self-disclosure is possible” (Rosen 2000: 8). Julie Inness
maintains that privacy is “the state of the agent having control over decisions
concerning matters that draw their meaning and value from the agent’s love, caring,
or liking” (Inness 1992: 91). In critique, Solove (2002) and DeCew (1997) note that
financial information may be private but not intimate. Moreover, it is possible to
have private relationships without intimacy and to perform private acts that are not
intimate. Data mining also may pose a threat to individual privacy without affecting
intimate relationships.
Control over personal information has also been offered as a definition of privacy
(Westin 1967; Gross 1971; Fried 1984). Alan Westin writes, “privacy is not simply an
absence of information about us in the minds of others; rather it is the control we
have over information about ourselves” (Westin 1967: 7). Gross argues that privacy
is “the condition under which there is control over acquaintance with one’s affairs”
(Gross 1971: 209). Critics have attacked this conception on grounds that it, like the
secrecy view, cannot account for “decisional privacy.” It also fails to acknowledge a
physical aspect to privacy – control over access to locations and bodies. Finally,
many have noted that whether or not a privacy condition of this sort holds is
unimportant – what we want to know is “should individuals have rights to control
access?” (DeCew 1997; Moore 2008, 2010).
Privacy defined as “limited access to the self ” has been defended by numerous
authors, including Sissela Bok (1983), Anita Allen (1988), and Ruth Gavison (1980).
Bok writes, “privacy is the condition of being protected from unwanted access by
others – either physical access, personal information, or attention” (Bok 1983: 10).
The worry here is that if no protection is available or the condition does not obtain
it would be odd to conclude that privacy interests were not relevant. Gavison offers
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a different account of limited access. On her view limited access consists of “secrecy,
anonymity, and solitude” (Gavison 1980: 433). Solove notes: “Although Gavison
contends that ‘the collection, storage, and computerization of information’ falls
within her conception, these activities often do not reveal secrets, destroy anonymity,
or thwart solitude” (Solove 2002: 1105). If so, such conceptions of privacy may be
too narrow.
Finally, many view privacy as a cluster concept that contains several of the
dimensions noted above. Judith Wagner DeCew (1997) has proposed that privacy is
a concept ranging over information, access, and expressions. Daniel Solove (2002)
has offered a context-dependent approach for defining privacy – for example, in the
context of information we may focus on certain dimensions of privacy that will not
be as important in different contexts like spatial control. Building on restricted-access
views and control-based accounts, Moore (2003, 2008, 2010) has argued that privacy
is the right to control access to and uses of personal information and spatial locations.
The Moral Value of Privacy
Many privacy theorists argue that privacy is morally valuable because it is associated,
in some central way, with autonomy and respect for persons (Benn 1971; Rachels
1975; Reiman 1976; Kupfer 1987; Inness 1992; Rössler 2005) (see autonomy).
Stanley Benn writes: “Respect for someone as a person, as a chooser, implies respect
for him as one engaged on a kind of self-creative enterprise, which could be
disrupted, distorted, or frustrated even by so limited an intrusion as watching”
(Benn 1971: 26). Rachels (1975) argued that privacy is morally valuable because it
allows individuals to control the patterns of behavior necessary for stable and
meaningful relationships. Joseph Kupfer argues that “privacy is essential to the
development and maintenance of an autonomous self ” (Kupfer 1987: 82). Rössler
maintains that privacy is a necessary condition for individual autonomy (Rössler
2005: 42–76). According to these theorists, privacy is morally valuable because it
protects and promotes the sovereign and autonomous actions of individuals – since
autonomy is morally valuable, privacy must be as well.
Allen Westin (1967) argued that the ability to regulate access was essential for the
proper functioning of animals. Building on Westin’s account of separation, Moore
(2003, 2008, 2010) has argued that privacy is necessary for human well-being or
flourishing. Moore notes that “while privacy may be a cultural universal necessary for
the proper functioning of human beings, its form − the actual rules of association and
disengagement − is culturally dependent. The kinds of privacy rules found in different cultures will be dependent on a host of variables including climate, religion, technological advancement, and political arrangements” (Moore 2010: 55). Moore argues
the forms of privacy are culturally relational while the need is an objective necessity.
General Critiques of Privacy
The discussion of privacy, including the definitions and history presented above,
must also include views which challenge the authenticity, legitimacy, and necessity
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of privacy (DeCew 2006). While not exhaustive, presented below are some of the
most forceful critiques of privacy that dominate the literature.
Reductionists argue that privacy is derived from other rights such as life, liberty, and
property rights – there is no overarching concept of privacy but rather several
distinct core notions that have been lumped together (Davis 1959; Thomson 1975;
Peikoff 2004). The nonreductionist views privacy as related to, but distinct from,
other rights or concepts. Viewing privacy in reductionist fashion might mean
jettisoning the idea altogether and focusing on more fundamental concepts. For
example, Frederick Davis has argued that “invasion of privacy is, in reality, a complex
of more fundamental wrongs. Similarly, the individual’s interest in privacy itself,
however real, is derivative and a state better vouchsafed by protecting more
immediate rights” (Davis 1959: 20). Judith Jarvis Thomson agreed, claiming “the
right to privacy is itself a cluster of rights, and that it is not a distinct cluster of rights
but itself intersects with … the cluster of rights which owning property consists in”
(Thomson 1975: 306). The simpler avenue, according to Thomson, is to focus on
this cluster of rights which are more basic or fundamental than the “derivative” right
of privacy.
To illustrate the reductionist view, consider Thomson’s case of a pornographic
picture. Hugh owns a pornographic picture and keeps it locked in his wall safe – so
that no one can see it or even know that he owns it. Larry wants to see the picture
and trains his x-ray device on the wall safe to look in. Thomson argues that Hugh’s
property right to the picture includes the right that others not look at it and thus, in
this case, privacy rights are a kind of property right. Other rights, like the right not
to be listened to or touched, fall under what Thomson calls the “rights over the person” which she claims are analogous to property rights as well. In this way, Thomson
claims that privacy is nothing more than the cluster of rights over the person and
property rights.
Several privacy theorists have offered arguments against this sort of reductionism
(Scanlon 1975; Parent 1983; Inness 1992; DeCew 1997; Moore 2010). Scanlon argues
that the wrongness in cases where Hugh does not own the picture in question and
Larry uses an x-ray device to look, does not depend on property rights. Moreover,
Parent noted that even if correct, all that Thomson shows is that it is unclear if
privacy is reducible to more “basic” rights or the other way around. Perhaps we
should view privacy as more fundamental than property or rights over the person.
The “other values” critique
Anita Allen (2003, 2008), Ferdinand Schoeman (1992), Amitai Etzioni (1999), and
others have argued that privacy is less important, in many circumstances, than
accountability, security, or community rights. The problem with our heightened
sensitivity to privacy violations is that we forget that other, more important, values
are lost or minimized. Anita Allen (2003) has argued that accountability toward
one’s family, race, and society justifiably limits the domain of individual privacy.
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Allen also argued that “spying is useful for protecting children or others in our care
who cannot protect themselves; protecting ourselves from wrongdoers; protecting
the company and the investing public; and protecting the nation” (Allen 2008: 19).
Amitai Etzioni (1999) noted that in our society privacy has been treated as the
highest privileged value to the detriment of other common goods such as public
safety and public health. Etzioni views privacy as a “societal license” that exempts
certain conduct from public scrutiny. Helena Gail Rubinstein writes:“communitarians
reject the primacy of the individual, and invite members of the community to move
beyond self-interest in favor of a vision of society defined by community ties and a
search for the communal good … individuals should not assert their ‘right to be let
alone’ when it is time to contribute to the collective good” (Rubinstein 1999: 228).
Communitarians like Etzioni and Rubinstein seek to find a balance between
individual rights and social responsibilities (see communitarianism).
Posner’s critique
Richard Posner (1981) has argued that the value of privacy, in an economic sense,
determines how privacy ought to be applied in specific instances. In some cases
privacy should be passed over in favor of economic gains to society. His stance places
a high value on privacy in business dealings since this privacy has potential for
greater impact on the economy. Personal information, on the other hand, does not
deserve the same privacy protection because persons, as opposed to businesses, will
tend to increase personal wealth over the growth of societal wealth. Privacy in
personal information, according to Posner, is typically used to mislead or manipulate
others. Posner writes: “the individual’s right to privacy … the right to control the
flow of information about him … [may include] information concerning … criminal
activity, or moral conduct at variance with the individual’s professed moral standards”
(Posner 1981: 233). Posner concludes that it is not clear why society should protect
privacy of this sort.
Data mining, surveillance, and transparency – privacy is dead
In contrast to the communitarian claim that privacy interests have become too
prominent, numerous scholars have announced the death of privacy. The critique
offered is not so much a normative one but rather descriptive – privacy is no longer
relevant in the age of transparency. The “stark reality,” Richard Spinello writes, is
“that our personal privacy may gradually be coming to an end” (Spinello 1997: 9).
David Brin (1998), Charles Sykes (1999), Jeffrey Rosen (2000), and others have
proclaimed that privacy is under siege. Implicated in the assault is the growth of
information technology and ubiquitous computing (see privacy and the internet).
The feminist critique
A number of feminist scholars have critiqued privacy, noting that it often
shields domination, abuse, and violation – privacy protects the hierarchical power
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relationships that subject women to subordination by men (see feminism). Behind
the walls of privacy these power relationships remain hidden and thus perpetuate
inequality. Catharine MacKinnon writes:
For women the measure of the intimacy has been the measure of the oppression.…
This is why feminism has seen the personal as the political. The private is public for
those for whom the personal is political. In this sense, for women there is no private,
either normatively or empirically. Feminism confronts the fact that women have no
privacy to lose or to guarantee. (MacKinnon 2002: 191)
Mackinnon also noted that by putting the right to abortion under the category of
privacy, abortion ceased to be understood as a women’s issue. Deborah Rhode
(1989) has argued that legal and moral conceptions of privacy support the “separate
spheres ideology” which has placed women in the unseen and unheard domain of
the private. Other feminists such as Carol Gilligan (1982) have maintained that
notions of privacy embrace the traditional male view of humans as independent
autonomous moral agents operating in a marketplace of rights.
Other feminists such as Anita Allen (1988), Jean Bethke Elshtain (1981), and
Judith Wagner DeCew (1997) argue that rejecting privacy rights, and more generally
the private–public distinction, may afford those in dominate positions more power
over women. DeCew writes: “focus on domestic violence ignores state-sponsored
expressions of control over women” (DeCew 1997: 88).
While privacy is difficult to define and has been challenged on moral, legal, and
social grounds, it has played an important role in the formation and maintenance of
Western liberal democracies. It is also true that rituals of coming together and
leave-taking have been found in every culture systematically studied (Westin 1967).
The question “what do we owe each other” in terms of information sharing and
access is no more important now than it was a century ago – whatever the form or
practice, individuals of all cultures desire privacy. What has changed is our
technological ability to intrude on the “sacred precincts of private and domestic life”
(Warren and Brandeis 1890: 194).
SEE ALSO: aristotle; autonomy; communitarianism; confucius; deontology;
doing and allowing; feminism; locke, john; mill, john stuart; normativity;
plato; privacy and the internet; utilitarianism
Allen, A. L. 1988. Uneasy Access: Privacy for Women in a Free Society. Lanham: Rowman
& Littlefield.
Allen, A. L. 2003. Why Privacy Isn’t Everything: Feminist Reflections on Personal Responsibility.
Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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Allen, A. L. 2008. “The Virtuous Spy: Privacy as an Ethical Limit,” The Monist, vol. 91,
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Aristotle 1984. Nicomachean Ethics, in The Complete Works of Aristotle, ed. J. Barns. Princeton:
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Benn, S. I. 1971. “Privacy, Freedom, and Respect for Persons,” in R. Pennock and J. Chapman
(eds.), Privacy Nomos XIII. New York: Atherton, pp. 1–26.
Bloustein, E. 1964. “Privacy and an Aspect of Human Dignity: An Answer to Dean Prosser,”
New York University Law Review, vol. 39, pp. 962–1007.
Bok, S. 1983. Secrets: On the Ethics of Concealment and Revelation. New York: Pantheon.
Brin, D. 1998. The Transparent Society: Will Technology Force Us To Choose Between Privacy
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DeCew, J. W. 2006. “Privacy,” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. At http://plato.stanford.
Elshtain, J. B. 1981. Public Man, Private Woman: Women in Social and Political Thought.
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Fried, C. 1970. An Anatomy of Values. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Fried, C. 1984. “Privacy [A Moral Analysis],” in F. Schoeman (ed.), Philosophical Dimensions
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Gerstein, R. 1978. “Intimacy and Privacy,” Ethics, vol. 89, pp. 76–81.
Gilligan, C. 1982. In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development.
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Gross, H. 1971. “Privacy and Autonomy,” in R. Pennock and J. Chapman (eds.), Privacy
Nomos XIII. New York: Atherton, pp. 169–81.
Inness, J. 1992. Privacy, Intimacy, and Isolation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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vol. 24, pp. 81–9.
Locke, J. 1980 [1690]. The Second Treatise of Government, ed. C. B. Macpherson. Indianapolis:
MacKinnon, C. 2002. Toward a Feminist Theory of the State. Cambridge, MA: Harvard
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Mill, J. S. 1978 [1859]. On Liberty, ed. E. Rapaport. Indianapolis: Hackett.
Mill, J. S. 2001 [1861]. Utilitarianism, ed. G. Sher. Indianapolis: Hackett.
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40, pp. 215–27.
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Moore, A. D. 2008. “Defining Privacy,” Journal of Social Philosophy, vol. 39, pp. 411–28.
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Moore, B., Jr. 1984. Privacy: Studies in Social and Cultural History. New York: M. E. Sharpe.
O’Brien, D. M. 1979. Privacy, Law, and Public Policy. New York: Praeger.
Parent, W. A. 1983. “Privacy, Morality, and the Law,” Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 12, pp.
Peikoff, A. 2004. “No Corn on this Cob: Why Reductionists Should Be All Ears for Pavesich,”
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Adam D. Moore
Abstract. In this article I address the tension between evaluative
surveillance and privacy against the backdrop ofthe current explosion
of information technology. More specifically, and after a brief analysis
of privacy rights, I argue that knowledge of the different kinds of
surveillance used at any given company should be made explicit to
the employees. Moreover, there will be certain kinds of evaluativ
monitoring that violate privacy rights and should not be used in most
Too many employers practice a credo of "In God we tr
Marlene Piturro, "Electronic Mon
Few wouldand
profound are
in the
ofthe benefits include safer working conditions, increased productivity, and better
communication between employees, clients, and companies. The downside of
this revolution can be tedious working conditions and the loss of privacy and
autonomy. In the workplace there is a basic tension between surveillance
technology and privacy. Companies want to monitor employees and reward effort,
intelligence, productivity, and success while eliminating laziness, stupidity, theft,
and failure. The market demands no less of most businesses. But against this
pressure stands the individual within the walls of privacy?walls that protect
against invasions into private domains.
Jeremy Bentham once envisioned a prison workhouse that placed overseers
in a central tower with glass-walled cells and mirrors placed so that inmates
could never know if they were being watched.2 The idea was that "universal
transparency" would keep the prisoners on their best behavior. Recent develop?
ments in surveillance technology are promising to turn the workplace into the
modern equivalent of Bentham's workhouse. There are now computer programs
that allow employers to monitor and record the number of keystrokes per minute
an employee completes. Employee badges may allow the recording of move?
ments and time spent at different locations while working. There is now the
possibility of monitoring voice mail, e-mail, and phone logs?all without the
?2000. Business Ethics Quarterly, Volume 10, Issue 3. ISSN 1052-150X. pp. 697-709
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knowledge or consent of those being watched. There are ev
systems that allow companies to track employee movement
employers have always sought to monitor employees it is a
digital technology has changed the game, so to speak. W
networked world, when this kind of surveillance technol
monitor all of us? And not by just governments, although
mare will be possible, but by our employers.
In this article I will address the tension between evaluative surveillance and
privacy against the backdrop of the current explosion of information tech
ogy. More specifically, and after a brief analysis and justification of priv
rights, I will argue that knowledge of the different kinds of surveillance u
any given company should be made explicit to the employees. Moreover, t
will be certain kinds of evaluative monitoring that violate privacy rights
should not be used in most cases. As we shall see, certain jobs may warran
smaller domain of privacy. We should not conclude, however, that the argum
used in these cases are easily generalized.
Privacy may be understood as that state where others do not have access to
you or to information about you.3 I hasten to note that there are degrees of pri?
vacy. There are our own private thoughts that are never disclosed to anyone, as
well as information we share with loved ones. Furthermore, there is information
that we share with mere acquaintances and the general public. These privacy
relations with others can be pictured "in terms of a series of 'zones' or 'regions'
. . . leading to a 'core self.'"4 Thus, secrets shared with a loved one can still be
considered private, even though they have been disclosed.
In an important article dealing with privacy, morality, and the law, William
Parent offers the following definition of privacy.
Privacy is the condition of not having undocumented personal knowledge
about one possessed by others. A person's privacy is diminished exactly to
the degree that others possess this kind of knowledge about him. Documented information is information that is found in the public record or is
publicly available (e.g. information found in newspapers, court proceedings, and other official documents open to public inspection).5
The problem with this definition is that it leaves the notion of privacy dependent
upon what a soeiety or culture takes as documentation and what information is
available via the public record. Parent acts as if undocumented information is
private while documented information is not, and this is the end of the matter.
But surely the secret shared between lovers is private in one sense and not in
another. To take another case, consider someone walking in a public park. There
is almost no limit to the kinds of information that can be acquired from this
public display. One's image, height, weight, eye color, approximate age, and
general physical abilities are all readily available. Moreover, biological matter
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will also be left in the public domain?strands of hair and the like
behind. Since this matter, and the information contained within,
available it would seem that all of one's genetic profile is not private
Furthermore, what is publicly available information is dependent
nology. Telescopes, listening devices, heat imaging sensors, and th
up what most would consider private domains for public consumpti
are worried about is what should be considered a "private affair"?
that is no one else's business. Parent's conception of privacy is not
these concerns.
A right to privacy can be understood as a right to control access to oneself.
is a right to limit public access to the "core self?and this includes person
information that one never discloses?and to information that one discloses onl
to family and friends. For example, suppose that I wear a glove because I am
ashamed of a scar on my hand. If you were to snatch the glove away you woul
not only be violating my right to property?alas, the glove is mine to contro
you would also violate my right to privacy; a right to restrict access to information
about the scar on my hand. Similarly, if you were to focus your x-ray camera o
my hand, take a picture ofthe scar through the glove, and then publish the ph
tograph widely, you would violate a right to privacy.6
Having said something about what a right to privacy is we may ask how such
rights are justified. A promising line of argument combines notions of autonom
and respect for persons. A central and guiding principle of Western liberal democracies is that individuals, within certain limits, may set and pursue their ow
life goals and projects. Rights to privacy erect a moral boundary that allows
individuals the moral space to order their lives as they see fit.7 Privacy protect
us from the prying eyes and ears of governments, corporations, and neighbor
Within the walls of privacy we may experiment with new ways of living tha
may not be accepted by the majority. Privacy, autonomy, and sovereignty, it would
seem, come bundled together.
A second but related line of argument rests on the claim that privacy right
stand as a bulwark against governmental oppression and totalitarian regimes. If
individuals have rights to control personal information and to limit access to
themselves, within certain constraints, then the kinds of oppression that we ha
witnessed in the twentieth century would be near impossible. Put another way,
oppressive regimes are to consolidate and maintain power, then privacy right
(broadly defined) must be eliminated or severely restricted. If correct, privacy
rights would be a core value that limits the forces of oppression.8
Arguably any plausible account of human well-being or flourishing will hav
as a component a strong right to privacy. Controlling who has access to ourselves is an essential part of being a happy and free person. This may be why
"peeping Toms" and rapists are held up as moral monsters?they cross a bound
ary that should never be crossed without consent.
Surely each of us has the right to control our own thoughts, hopes, feeling
and plans, as well as a right to restrict access to information about our lives,
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family, and friends. I would argue that what grounds these
to privacy. While complete control of all our personal informa
for many of us, simply because the information is alread
likely cannot or will not be destroyed, this does not detr
personal information ownership. Through our daily activ
and leave digital footprints that others may follow and ex
these things does not obviously sanction the gathering an
sure of such information by others.
Whatever kind of information we are considering there
that individuals have control over. For example, in purch
filling out the car loan application, no one would deny we e
demand that such information not be sold to other compan
this is true for any disclosed personal information whethe
tionnaire information, video rental records, voting inform
applications. In agreeing with this view, one first has to
have the right to control their own personal information
ments about controlling information presuppose that one
right to control this information.
If I am correct about all of this, then there is a fairly st
favor of individual privacy rights?even in the workplace.
tographer taking pictures of me about the house is my con
that absent such consent a serious violation of privacy wo
Consent is also necessary, I will argue, for employee mon
lies the problem. Under what conditions does consent or
appropriate sort of permission. Alas, the initial bargaining
if we are to be morally bound by the outcome.
Privacy in the Workplace
We are now in a position to consider an individual's rig
context of a working environment where evaluative surve
sary and desirable. If pay increases, promotion, profit
incentive pay are to be based on effort, desert, and succe
ceptable methods of monitoring employees.
Consider the following case. In January 1990, Alana Shoars,
the electronic mail system at Epson America Inc, discovered th
monitoring the e-mail messages of its employees. She was show
outs of employee e-mail messages?messages that she thought w
the use of passwords. "I glanced over at some of the printouts,
bells went off in my head. As far as Fd known, as e-mail c
possible to do such a thing."9 Upon criticizing this breach of e
Shoars was dismissed from the company for insubordination.1
This case represents only the tip of the iceberg with re
monitoring. A survey of companies in Macworld concerning el
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"reported that 21.6 percent of the 301 participating companies adm
ing employee files, including electronic work files (73.8 percent),
percent), network messages (27.7 percent) and voice mail (15.4 perce
even more alarming, only 30.8 percent ofthe companies surveyed
warning ofthe monitoring activities.12
In the most general terms, the case of Alana Shoars and e-mail
highlights the tension between rights to control information and in
vacy in the workplace. What was objectionable with Epson America'
was not their wish to control the information that was found on t
computer network. The objection is that their employees were not n
monitoring or the strict company policy forbidding personal use of
Epson argued that the system was company-owned and therefore
mation found in e-mail accounts, private or otherwise, was justifiab
for inspection. Moreover, it could be argued that notification of s
was both unnecessary and unwise from a corporate perspective. If e
of monitoring was known to an employee, then the data collected
most worthless. It would be like telling the fakes to start faking.
Thin Consent
Justifying employee monitoring in light of privacy rights begins with what I
call thin consent. A first step in justifying a kind of monitoring is employee
notification. The consent takes the following form: if your employment is to
continue then you must agree to such-and-so kinds of surveillance. This is appropriately called "thin consent" because it is assumed that jobs are hard to find,
the employee in question needs the job, etc. Nevertheless, quitting is a viable
option. The force of such agreements or contracts is echoed by Ronald Dworkin.
If a group contracted in advance that disputes amongst them would be settled
in a particular way, the fact of that contract would be a powerful argument
that such disputes should be settled in that way when they do arise. The
contract would be an argument in itself, independent of the force of the
reasons that might have led different people to enter the contract. Ordinarily, for example, each of the parties supposes that a contract he signs is
in his own interest; but if someone has made a mistake in calculating his
self-interest, the fact that he did contract is a strong reason for the fairness
of holding him nevertheless to the bargain.13
An employee cannot consent, even thinly, to a type of monitoring if it is
unknown to her. Given a fairly strong presumption in favor of privacy, thin con?
sent would seem obligatory. Here the employee would be notified of each different
type of monitoring. Individual acts of surveillance, however, would not require
notification?thus slackers would not be notified to stop slacking.
Moreover, a thin consent policy for each different type of surveillance allows
companies and businesses to seize the moral high ground in one important re?
spect. There is no sneaking around riffling through office files, midnight program
installations, or hidden backdoor keys into e-mail accounts. All of this up front
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and in the open. Part of what makes this kind of employee mo
is the deceit involved. Locked voice-mail accounts, e-mail
ers present the air of privacy when these domains are anyt
In any case it should be clear that thin consent is not e
array of monitoring systems that are now possible or will
in every case. When jobs are scarce, unemployment high, a
tance programs swamped, thin consent becomes thin indee
employees will be virtually forced to relinquish privacy b
consequences if they don't. But notice what happens when
extreme. Assume a condition of negative unemployment w
more jobs than employees and where changing jobs is relat
stances such as these, thin consent has become quite thick
were to agree to a certain type of monitoring in these favo
would think it justified.
As we slide from one extreme to the other?from a pro-b
(lots of workers and few jobs yields low wage overhea
environment (lots of jobs and few workers yields high em
this method of justification becomes more plausible. What
necessary condition ends up looking like a sufficient cond
the exact point where thin consent becomes thick enough
tory burden required is a difficult matter. The promise of
on the circumstances. Minimally, if the conditions favor th
plausible to maintain that actual consent would be enough
sumption in favor of privacy.
Hypothetical Thick Consent
As noted above, thick consent is possible when employm
mize the costs of finding a comparable job for an employee
employee who doesn't have to work, but agrees to anyway
kind of consent?assuming of course they have been notif
types of monitoring that will occur. What justifies a certai
is that it would be agreeable to a worker in a pro-employee
consent is obtained and the test of hypothetical thick con
have reason to think that a strong presumption in favor of
tifiably surpassed.
We will also have to assume that the hypothetical worke
is modestly interested in maintaining control over private
constructed individual has nothing to hide and a general
then any type of surveillance will pass the test. And if I
importance of privacy with respect to sovereignty and aut
be interested in retaining such control. Rawls's notion of
behind a veil of ignorance may be of some service here.14 I
ing did not know whether she was a worker, manager, or o
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that anyone would be interested in retaining control over private d
the correct vantage point for determining binding agreements wi
The force of hypothetical contracts has been called into question by Dworkin
and others?"A hypothetical contract is not simply a pale form of an actual con?
tract; it is no contract at all."15 Here I agree with Dworkin. The moral bindingness
of hypothetical contracts has to do with the reasons for why we would choose to
do this or that. Viewing it this way, hypothetical contracts are simply devices
that enable us to more clearly understand the reasons, moral or otherwise, for
adopting a particular institution or process. Dworkin notes,
There must be reasons, of course, why I would have agreed if asked in
advance, and these may also be reasons why it is fair to enforce these rules
against me even if I have not agreed. But my hypothetical consent does not
count as a reason, independent of these other reasons, for enforcing the
rules against me, as my actual agreement would have.16
Thus the test of hypothetical thick consent can be understood as a way of
clarifying, and allowing us to arrive at, a position that is fair and sensible.
Hereafter, when I talk of hypothetical consent and the moral force of such
agreements, be aware that this is simply a tool or device that is notifying us
when privacy rights may be justifiably relaxed.
Taking up the Epson case again, we may ask if a policy of e-mail monitoring
would satisfy the test of hypothetical thick consent. Here we are to imagine a
world where there were numerous jobs like the ones found at Epson and that
moving to these other jobs would be relatively easy. Moreover, given that there
is no industry-wide interest in monitoring e-mail activity many of these other
positions would not include e-mail monitoring. If an employee would not agree
under these conditions, then this type of surveillance would fail the test. Had
Epson notified its employees of a company e-mail monitoring policy, then those
employees who stayed on at Epson would have given thin consent. But we should
not rush to judge that such a policy would be automatically justified unless the
test of hypothetical thick consent is also met. Meeting this latter test in the Epson
case seems unlikely.
I take a virtue of hypothetical thick consent to be that satisfaction is deter?
mined by imagining a pro-employee situation and then asking what an employee
would do in the face of some kind of surveillance. Some may charge that I am
stacking the deck, however. Why not imagine a pro-business situation and then
ask what an employee would do. We wouldn't have to do much imagining though,
and employee consent in such conditions wouldn't justify anything. Moreover,
if I am correct in positing privacy rights for each of us, then the deck is already
stacked. There is a presumption in favor of individuals having control over per?
sonal information?we have privacy rights. Since employee surveillance may
cross into private domains, we must consider under what conditions a privacy
right may be given up or relaxed. In relatively few cases is thin consent thick
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enough to handle the justificatory burden. Hence, the use
consent. We are imagining a case where the bargaining sit
ployee?and if agreement is offered in these conditions, t
think that the type of surveillance in question is warrant
I hasten to note that even in a pro-employee environm
certain kinds of employee monitoring that would be nece
Punching a time clock or measuring time spent working
occur in almost any business or company. Even in a pro-e
would have to be minimized. It is not as if McDonald's would become so des-
perate for workers that they would leave the register drawers open
employees to come and go as they please, and continue to pay wages. Th
ket demands that businesses make a profit or at least break even. Given
there will be certain kinds of employee monitoring that every business w
Moreover, there will be employment-specific monitoring as well. For ex
trucking companies will have to monitor driving records and ensure that
maintain the appropriate skills needed to operate the big rigs. This kind
veillance may be required by the market or by legislation of one kind or a
There may be laws that require certain licenses that make businesses lia
noncompliance. Absent laws or other government regulation, market eff
may require certain kinds of monitoring. An example of the latter may
ployee time monitoring. The hypothetical or constructed truck driver, no
where he goes, will be subject to certain kinds of monitoring. So, even in
employee environment certain kinds of surveillance will be justified?tho
that are necessary for doing business.
So far I have been pursuing a kind of top-down strategy in presenting
principles and considering arguments that may be marshaled to suppor
principles. If I am correct, thin consent will justify certain kinds of mon
when employment conditions favor the employee. Absent such condition
ally occurring, we can imagine what an employee would choose if she we
pro-employee environment. If she would agree to a type of monitoring fr
vantage point?either because every business in her field will monitor in
way she is considering or she agrees for some other reason (maybe beca
new monitoring policy will benefit her in some way)?then the monitor
permitted. In the next section I will pursue a bottom-up strategy by pre
certain cases and then examining how the proposed model fits with the
and our intuitions about them.
Test Cases and Illustrations
Let us begin with an easy one first. Suppose that one day an employe
approached by his boss and is informed that the company will be moving t
new building. Excited about the new digs, the employee tours the recently c
structed office and is quite dismayed. It seems that management has been rea
Bentham's Panopticon and the site has been built so that employee cubicles
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be monitored by an overseer who can't himself be seen. The video ca
in the new office have been placed so that computer screens can b
well as facial expressions, body motions, and the like. The employ
and asks what conceivable purpose such a system could have at
company. Management replies that only someone with something t
object and this system of monitoring will allow hard workers to
and fairly compensated.
We may now ask if such a monitoring system is justified in relat
thetical thick consent. I think it is clear that an individual who is
interested in protecting privacy and in a pro-employee environment
other things being equal, and find similar employment elsewhere.
things being equal" exception is important because if management w
employee salaries then maybe a deal could be made?no privacy at w
of cash.17 Outside of such offers the presumption in favor of privacy r
not have been surpassed for this type of surveillance.
Before moving on, I would like to briefly address the kinds of
were offered for why employees shouldn't oppose this kind of moni
that an employee should have nothing to hide is irrelevant. It is he
that is being monitored and so it is up to her to deny access. Wheth
has something to hide is nobody's business. We all may have perfe
bedroom lives and have nothing to hide in this area. Nevertheless,
company video camera and wake-up siren on the bedroom wall can
least bit be supported by such reasons. Employee benefit is equally,
same reasons, dubious.
Consider a different case. Suppose in an effort to eliminate "tim
company begins using "active badges" that monitor employee move
at work. These badges are sophisticated enough to monitor time spe
cific area. So, employees who linger in the break room, arrive late,
and stroll the halls, will be discovered and treated accordingly.
Few would deny that time monitoring is a necessary part of an
Nevertheless, there will be more and less invasive ways to mo
Bentham's Panopticon with a time overseer is one of the more inv
ods. Given that there are various less invasive ways to obtain this
about employees, it would seem that a constructed individual interes
taining private domains would not agree to this type of surveillan
most companies such a policy would be unjustified. There may be
however. For example the U.S. Pentagon, Arms R&D departments, a
may have to maintain this level of monitoring to ensure secrecy.18
college professors in this way is clearly unjustifiable.
A final case that I would like to discuss deals with remote comput
ing. The case is provided by John Whalen.
A recent ad for Norton-Lambert's Close-Up/LAN software package tem
managers to "look in on Sue's computer screen.... Sue doesn't even k
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you're there!" . . . these "remote monitoring" capabilities .
work administrators to peek at an employee's screen in real
files and e-mail at will, tabulate keystroke speed and accur
pass words, and even seize control of a remote workstation.
Dynamics Corp.'s Peak and Spy; Microcom Inc.'s LANlor
Net Ware; and Neon Software's NetMinder not only improv
tions and productivity, they turn employees' cubicles into c
While this kind of employee monitoring may yield some benefits, the
preponderance of the evidence would suggest otherwise. Some studies have
shown that these monitoring systems produce fear, resentment, and elevate stress
levels.20 Another study concluded that "the introduction of computerized
performance monitoring may result in a workplace that is less satisfying to many
employees ... [and] creates a more competitive environment which may decrease
the quality of social relationships."21
Putting aside the unsavory consequences we may ask if such monitoring passes
either test under consideration. First the test of thin consent would not be passed
if the employees being monitored were not notified of such practices. Given the
absence of a clear pro-employee environment in most industries that would use
such surveillance, even if employees were notified the consent would seem too
thin. Moreover, remote computer monitoring would fail the test of hypothetical
thick consent for most companies. Individuals who did not know if they were
the owner, manager, or employee would not agree to such privacy invasions.
The presumption in favor of privacy would thus remain intact.
As noted in the opening, high-tech surveillance is promising to turn the m
ern workplace into an Orwellian nightmare achieving Bentham's ideal workh
for prisoners?"universal transparency." And even if such monitoring someh
produced an overall net increase in utility, it would still be unjustifiable. So
times the consequences be damned. Not that I think generally good conseque
could be had from such surveillance. Arguably, human beings are the most p
ductive and creative in conditions completely opposite from those foun
Bentham's Panopticon.
In this article I have argued that individuals have rights to privacy that sh
us from the prying eyes and ears of neighbors, governments, and corporati
electronic eyes and ears are no more welcome. If we begin with a fairly stro
presumption in favor of privacy and test different types of employee monitorin
with thin and hypothetical thick consent, many currently used kinds of surv
lance will be unjustified. Arguably this consent is necessary and sufficient
overriding or relaxing privacy rights with respect to employee monitoring.22
will each spend at least a quarter of our lives and a large part of our most produc
tive years at work. This environment should be constructed to promote crea
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and productive activity while maintaining the zones of privacy that we all
ish. Although privacy rights are not absolute, it would seem that in a netw
world filled with devices that may be used to capture information about
us, we should take privacy invasions?whether at home, on a public street,
the workplace?much more seriously.
This paper was presented at the APA Pacific Division Meetings (April 5-8,2000). I would
like to thank Nancy Snow, Mark VanHook, Bill Kline, and the other session participants for
their comments and suggestions. I would also like to thank Kimberly Moore, Scott Rothwell,
and an anonymous reviewer at Business Ethics Quarterly for reading and commenting on an
earlier draft.
Marlene Piturro, "Electronic Monitoring," Information Center, July 1990, p. 31; quoted
in Richard Spinello's Ethical Aspects of Information Technology (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice Hall, 1995), p. 141.
2J. Bentham, Panopticon (The Inspection House), originally published in 1791.
3A longer version of this section appears in my article "Intangible Property: Privacy,
Power, and Information Control," American Philosophical Quarterly 35 (1998): 365-378. I
would thank the editors of APQ for allowing me to present this material here.
4Alan Westin, "Privacy in the Modern Democratic State," in Ethical Issues in the Use of
Computers, ed. D. Johnson and J. Snapper (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1985), p. 187.
5W. A. Parent, "Privacy, Morality, and the Law," Philosophy and Public Affairs, Fall
1983, pp. 269-288; reprinted in Ethical Issues in the Use of Computers, ed. D. Johnson and
J. Snapper (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1985), p. 203 (all page citations refer to the reprint).
6Legal scholar William Prosser separated privacy cases into four distinct but related torts.
Intrusion: Intruding (physically or otherwise) upon the solitude of another in a
highly offensive manner. For example, a woman sick in the hospital with a
rare disease refuses a reporter's request for a photograph and interview. The
reporter photographs her any way, over her objection.
Private facts: Publicizing highly offensive private information about someone
that is not of legitimate concern to the public. For example, photographs of an
undistinguished and wholly private hardware merchant carrying on an adulterous affair in a hotel room are published in a magazine.
False light: Publicizing a highly offensive and false impression of another. For
example, a taxi driver's photograph is used to illustrate a newspaper article on
cabdrivers who cheat the public when the driver in the photo is not, in fact, a
Appropriation: Using another's name or likeness for some advantage without
the other's consent. For example, a photograph of a famous actress is used
without her consent to advertise a product.
Dean William Prosser, "Privacy," Califomia Law Review 48 (1960): 383, 389, quoted in
E. Alderman and C. Kennedy, The Right to Privacy (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995), pp.
155-56. What binds these seemingly disparate cases under the heading "privacy invasions"
is that they each concern personal information control. And while there may be other morally
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objectionable facets to these cases?for example the taxi driver cas
able on grounds of defamation?there is arguably privacy interest
7Clinton Rossiter puts the point succinctly:
Privacy is a special kind of independence, which can be unde
tempt to secure autonomy in at least a few personal and spirit
necessary in defiance of all the pressures ofthe modern soeiety
erect an unbreachable wall of dignity and reserve against the en
free man is the .private man, the man who still keeps some of h
judgments entirely to himself, who feels no over-riding comp
everything of value with others, not even those he loves and tr
C. Rossiter, Aspects of Liberty (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University
Westin, "Privacy in the Modern Democratic State," p. 188.
8For more about privacy rights see E. Hendricks, T. Hayden, and
Privacy (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1990); F.
formation Age (New York: The Brookings Institution, 1997); B. Gi
Handbook (New York: Avon Books, 1997); Charles Fried, "Privacy
(1968): 477; A. Westin and M. Baker, Databanks in a Free Soeiety
Press, 1972); J. Rachels, "Why Privacy is Important," Philosophy an
mer 1975): 323-33; and Paul Weiss, Privacy (Carbondale: Southern
9IDG Communications, Inc, Infoworld, October 22, 1990; quoted by Anne Wells
Branscomb in Who Owns Information? (New York: Basic Books, 1994), p. 92.
10Alana Shoars filed a wrongful termination suit. "The lower court agreed with Epson's
lawyer that neither state privacy statutes nor federal statutes address confidentiality of Email in the workplace and dismissed the case." Branscomb, Who Owns Information? p. 93.
See Alana Shoars v. Epson America, Inc, No. SWC112749 (L.A. Super. Ct. 1990).
"Branscomb, Who Owns Information? p. 93.
12While the courts have ruled that employers cannot monitor their workers' personal calls,
the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 grants bosses a "business-use exception," which allows supervisory and quality-control monitoring. J. Whalen, "You're Not
Paranoid: They Really Are Watching You," Wired Magazine, March 1995. See also Briggs v.
American Filter Co., 704 F.2d 577 (11th. Cir. 1983), Watkins v. L. M. Berry, 704 F.2d 579
(11th. Cir. 1983), and Hendricks et al., Your Right to Privacy, Part 2.
13Ronald Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1977);
reprinted in Justice: Alternative Political Perspectives, 3rd ed., ed. James Sterba (Belmont,
Calif.: Wadsworth, 1999), p. 126 (all page references refer to the reprint).
14J. Rawls, A Theory of Justice (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971), pp. 136?
142. The hope is that Rawls's veil of ignorance will serve as a device that ensures impartiality.
15Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously, pp. 126-27.
,6Ibid., p. 127.
17Employment agreements grant rights, powers, liberties, and duties to both parties. Thus
an employee may trade privacy for some kind of compensation like time off or the opportu?
nity to learn. When tradeoffs such as these have occurred we may take the obligations,
generated by the agreement, as prima facie?alas, the agreement may have been brokered in
unfair conditions. If I am correct, fairness of conditions and binding agreements that justifiably relax rights are guaranteed when the tests of thin and hypothetical thick consent are
18Even in these cases the different types of surveillance used should be made explicit to
every employee.
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19J. Whalen, "You're Not Paranoid: They Really Are Watching You," Wired Mag
March 1995.
20Richard Spinello, Ethical Aspects of Information Technology (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice Hall, 1995), p. 128.
21R. H. Irving, C. A. Higgins, and F. R. Safayeni, "Computerized Performance Monitor?
ing Systems: Use and Abuse," Communications ofthe ACM, August 1986, p. 800.
22I take consequentialist concerns to be factored into laws or market demands. That is,
hypothetical thick consent includes utility maximization arguments for requiring licenses,
safety regulations, and the like.
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