CUNY Bronx Community College Accounting Tasks

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Business Finance

CUNY Bronx Community College


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M1 Discussion #2 How Healthy Is Your Company? For this discussion we are exploring the financial health of businesses. Please create an initial post in which you: • • • Discuss how the cash flow information found on the statement of cash flows and the use of financial ratios to analyze information on the financial statements are used when making business decisions. Feel free to review the report in this week’s module “A Global Survey of Enterprises: Managing the Business Disruptions of COVID-19” to examine the impact of financial distress in managing cash flows, etc., during a global pandemic. What ratios do you think are the most important to review and why? Discuss the role technology has played in advancing the field of managerial accounting over the past 25 years. Have these advances helped or hindered the profitability of a small business. Explain. Please post a 100-150 word response, and respond to two other people's postings. It is expected that you participate at least three different days each week. This is just to start the discussion thread. Your instructor and you are expected to expand on the topics covered in this module by adding additional discussion topics. Chapter 15 Assignment
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