RC Nursing Infection Control Essay

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Health Medical

Rasmussen Collage


This competency assessment assesses the following Outcome:

MN504-5: Evaluate interdisciplinary approaches to organizational and system change through evidence based practice.

Assignment Details

Evaluating Clinical Question Publication


This assignment provides an opportunity to review the clinical question identified with a focus of research or publication opportunities on this question.


Describe a clinical question as it relates to your practice setting.

Identify the growth of this clinical question in research possibilities.

Discuss journals that would be a potential publisher for your future authorship on the clinical question posed.

Review collaborative practice opportunities as it relates the evidence determined in the database searches.

Provide an overview of the guideline and the discussion in the paper.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Course Syllabus MN504M5 Interdisciplinary System Approach in Evidence-Based Practice COURSE INFORMATION Course Title: Interdisciplinary System Approach in Evidence-Based Practice Credit Hours: 1 Prerequisites: None LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this course, you should be able to: MN504M5-5: Evaluate interdisciplinary approaches to organizational and system change through evidence-based practice. COURSE MATERIALS For courses with ebooks or digital books, go to the Table of Contents and click on the link titled Digital Book. If your course has a physical textbook that you have not received, please contact your Student Advisor if you have not done so previously. TEXTBOOK INFORMATION MediaType: Title: Edition: Author: Publisher: Book ISBN: Ebook ISBN: Physical Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice 4th (2018) Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk Lippincott 978-1-4963-8453-9 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS The following software requirements are required in this course beyond the ones listed in the catalog: No additional technology requirements beyond those in the Purdue Global Catalog. GRADING CRITERIA/COURSE EVALUATION Component Type Total Points Writing Assignment 1000 Total 1000 PURDUE UNIVERSITY GLOBAL GRADING SCALE Grade Points Percent Grade Point A 1000 4.0 B 850 3.0 F 0 0.0 POLICIES Students who wish to review current policies (academic appeals, attendance, plagiarism, etc.) should refer to the current Purdue University Global Catalog. Extension Policy You are expected to submit the Competency Assessment by 11:59 p.m.ET on the Sunday of the final week of the course. The competency assessment will not be accepted after Sunday of the final week of the term Page 2 without an extension request and approval. In order to request an extension, you must have attempted the competency assessment at least once beforehand. Your professor will determine whether an extension is appropriate. If your extension request is approved, the final deadline for the competency assessment is Thursday 11:59 p.m. ET, two days after the close of the course. Only one attempt may be made during the extension. Please note that extensions are possible in module courses but not Incompletes. ACADEMIC ACCOMMODATIONS - If there are any academic accommodations you feel would be helpful to you in your classes, please do not hesitate to reach out to Student Accessibility Services (SAS) for assistance. Tel: 317-208-1686 Email:sas@purdueglobal.edu Fax:866-422-4773 (Toll Free) TTY: TTY users may dial 711 from their TTY phone, at no charge, to be connected with a Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) operator who will assist with the call. Accommodations cannot be granted retroactively and you are required to submit supporting documentation needed to process the request. COURSE SPECIFIC POLICIES Students must take all modules of the master course outcome. All modules must be taken in sequential order. Students cannot test out of any part. Course Module Preview Every competency module provides a Course Module Preview document. This document includes the course outcomes, readings, and assignment information for all of this course's modules. The intent is to allow you to work ahead until you receive access to the next module in the sequence. Page 3 Download the Course Module Preview COURSE ACTIVITIES This module course includes five sections: Getting Started, Learn, Connect, Practice, and Competency Assessment. You are not required to complete the sections in any particular order, but you must complete the readiness check in “Getting Started” first in order to access content in all of the other sections. The competency assessment is the only graded assignment in the module. Getting Started: This section introduces you to the learning outcome that is the focus for the module. You must complete the readiness check in this section in order to access the other sections in the course. Readiness Check Each competency module begins with a readiness check. This is a multiple-choice assessment with feedback that gives you an opportunity to gauge your current knowledge of the content and decide what to study in order to cover gaps in your knowledge and be successful on the final competency assessment. The readiness check is not graded and does not affect your standing in the module. You must complete the readiness check to gain access to the other course content and the competency assessment. You are only provided one attempt on the readiness check. Learn: This section is designed to allow you to review and/or learn the content related to the learning outcome that will be assessed in the competency assessment. This section may include reading, research, recorded videos, and other informational resources to review concepts related to the learning outcome. Connect: This section offers further insight into the focus of this module by providing opportunities to interact with your instructor and classmates. These interactions include live Faculty Connect opportunities and asynchronous discussion topics. Page 4 Faculty Connect opportunities are held weekly and focus on topics related to the course. The Faculty Connect opportunities will be structured to address your questions about specific competency modules and their competency assessments. Faculty Connect opportunities are optional, but you are strongly encouraged to attend. Your instructor will provide you additional information about the Faculty Connect opportunities. Practice: This section includes activities designed to help you practice the concepts you need to know to complete the competency assessment. These activities may be knowledge checks, quizzes, or labs. All practice activities include feedback. Competency Assessment: The competency assessment (CA) assesses your level of performance on the specific learning outcome that is the focus of the module. CAs are performance-based assessments that require you to demonstrate your knowledge, understanding, and proficiency through the creation of a product, artifact, or exam. The other learning activities in the competency module are designed to help you achieve mastery on the CA. You must pass the CA to receive credit, and you can attempt the assessment an unlimited number of times within the six week term. However, the CA must be completed successfully by the end of the term to earn credit. A score of "A" or "B" is a passing grade for the module. You may not resubmit an assessment during this term if a minimum passing score of "B" has been earned. Your performance on the CA is assessed with a Competency Assessment Checklist Rubric. Be sure to review any minimum submission requirements provided in the competency assessment directions. If the work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned for revision. If the work submitted does not meet the minimum submission requirements by the end of the term, you will receive a failing score. End-of-Term Submission Requirements: The deadline to submit competency assessments is Sunday, 11:59 p.m. ET of the final week of the term. If you expect to receive feedback, revise, and resubmit a CA near the end of the term, you are encouraged to make your submission no later than 6 days (Thursday, 11:59 p.. ET) before the end of the final week of the term. Submissions submitted on the Sunday of the final week will be graded before final grades are due rather than in the timeframe instructors use during the term. DISCUSSION BOARDS Page 5 The Discussion Board is where you post your responses to discussion topics and share your experiences in completing exercises and applying the content of the module. Discussion topics provide a forum for you to seek clarification and answer important questions about the course material. The discussion also allows you to receive feedback from the instructor and other students in the class. INSTRUCTOR’S FEEDBACK Competency assessments submitted during the term will be graded within 24 hours. Assessments submitted on Friday will be graded within 72 hours and assessments submitted on Saturday will be graded within 48 hours, with the exception of assessments submitted on the Sunday of the final week of the term and holidays. Assessments submitted on the Sunday of the end of the term will be graded by the final grade deadline. If there is a holiday, assessments will be returned within 24 hours of the return from the holiday. Refer to the Gradebook and Dropbox within your course to review the feedback. If you do not earn a passing score on your attempt, you should use the feedback provided to help guide your next attempt. Assessments submitted on Sunday of the final week are final and cannot be revised. If you have any questions or concerns about your competency assessment score and/or the feedback you receive, be sure to contact your instructor for clarification. RUBRICS The Competency Assessment Checklist Rubric is provided in the Competency Assessment section of the course. The rubric is a tool your instructor uses to determine your performance on the Competency Assessment. The rubric consists of a list of criterion statements indicating the requirements to show competent performance on the learning outcome. Criterion are listed separately in order to indicate the items that are the minimum requirement to show competent performance, while other criteria represent mastery level achievement. All competency criterion statements must be met to pass the Competency Assessment. To receive an A, you must carefully review the rubric and complete the required number of mastery criteria. You should follow the rubric so you understand exactly what is expected of you and how you will be Page 6 evaluated in the Competency Assessment. Following the rubric will help make sure you demonstrate competence in all required aspects of the Competency Assessment. You are encouraged to read both the Competency Assessment directions and the checklist rubric when you first start the module. Talk to your professor right away if you have any questions about them. TUTORING Tutoring and many other resources are available in the Academic Success Center section of the My Studies tab on the Purdue Global Campus home page. NETIQUETTE Interactions in an online classroom can be in written form as well as in audio or video. Your comfort level with expressing ideas and feelings in writing will add to your success in an online course. The ability to write is necessary, but you also need to understand what is considered appropriate when communicating online. The word "netiquette" is short for "Internet etiquette." Rules of netiquette have grown organically with the growth of the Internet to help users act responsibly when they access or transmit information online. As a student, you should be aware of the common rules of netiquette for the web and employ a communication style that follows these guidelines. • • • • • Wait to respond to a message that upsets you and be careful of what you say and how you say it. Be considerate. Rude or threatening language, inflammatory assertions (often referred to as "flaming"), personal attacks, and other inappropriate communication will not be tolerated. Never post a message that is in all capital letters — it comes across to the reader as SHOUTING! Use boldface and italics sparingly, as they can denote sarcasm. Keep messages short and to the point. Always practice good grammar, punctuation, and composition. This shows that you have taken the time to craft your response and that you respect your classmates' work. Page 7 • • • Keep in mind that Discussion Boards are meant to be constructive exchanges, and it is important to respect those views that are different from yours. Be respectful and treat everyone as you would want to be treated yourself. Use spell check before sending a written message Using a webcam in an online meeting room requires thought and consideration for the netiquette environment. Keep your surroundings free of clutter and distraction. Do not allow others in your setting to enter the webcam view. Be sure your attire and background are appropriate for a classroom setting. If in doubt, turn off your camera. When using a microphone be mindful of your mute button - stay on mute until it is an appropriate time to speak - then enable your mute button again when you have finished sharing. Also, be mindful of how you reply to differing opinions or course content that you may not agree with. Feel free to express your views and ask questions in a calm and respectful way. You should also review and refer to the section on Responsible Use of University Technology contained in the most recent Purdue Global Catalog. Note: This syllabus is subject to change during this term/session or in future terms/sessions. This syllabus was published for course content as of 2202C. (E-Track terms are 12 weeks in length and consist of two 6-week sessions) Page 8
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Infection Control

Student’s Name
University Name

Infection Control
Infection control has been an area of concern in healthcare. The idea behind infection
prevention and control is to protect healthcare workers and patients from infections. Healthcare
professionals, for example, the Family Practice Nurse Practitioner, have a crucial role in
infection prevention and control. Without infection prevention and control, patients and
healthcare professionals will be at great risk. This calls for measures to prevent and control
infections. Some recommendations include hand washing and disinfection. This paper reviews
infection prevention and control with a focus on research or publication opportunities.
Description of the Clinical Question
The chosen clinical question revolves around infection control and how nurses can
contribute to preventing and controlling infections. Infection control and prevention practices are
crucial to reducing the spread of infections among people. For example, infections can occur
between patients or between patients and healthcare professionals. Infection control in a
healthcare setting entails various measures for preventing and containing the spread of
infections. Common infection control measures include disinfection of surfaces and equipment
and handwashing. As a practical and scientific approach, infection prevention and control
prevents harm caused by infections to healthcare workers and patients. Healthcare facilities, for
example, primary care clinics and hospitals, are characterized by a significant risk of infection
transmission. A patient can get an infection when receiving care. With effective infection control
and prevention measures, healthcare-related infections can be reduced. Components required for
an infection to spread include transmission, susceptible person, and source. The source refers to

where an infectious agent survives, for example, medical device...

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