Florida National University Nursing Role and Scope Responses

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Florida National University


Importance of Evidence-based Practice (EBP)

Evidence-based caregiving is particularly significant since it provides practical clinical guidelines that have already been proved to improve patient outcomes. EBP is built on superior-practice references that are being widely acknowledged by practitioners or healthcare organizations since they have been revealed to be essential in matching the healthcare’s high practice requirements.

EBP is well-accepted in nursing because of its ability to improve the refinement of care delivery to the requirements of patients, its efficacy, and the chance it provides nurses to use clinical judgment (Ellis, 2019). Evidence-based care helps patients receive medical care that seems appropriate to their condition, encourages a clearer decision-making approach, decreases health hazards, guarantees that positives are maximized, and equips practitioners with the expertise to assess healthcare practice and research (Ellis, 2019). As a result, nurses are more likely to keep up with developments in the nursing profession.

EBP equips nurses with the ability to quickly acquire relevant nursing information, allowing them to make key decisions founded on a well-informed approach. Evidence-based care has been found to allow practitioners to evaluate the evidence before implementing it to care delivery, resulting in improved health outcomes (Ellis, 2019). To be responsive in the field, EBP requires nurses to remain up to date on current and new clinical guidelines (Schaefer & Welton, 2018). EBP is a logical progression in the ongoing endeavor to bridge the gap between practice and research. It makes it easier to utilize research findings in real-world clinical settings.

Notably, there has been a consistent push for nursing practice that integrates the best evidence, critical reasoning, and modern technology to increase care quality. EBP allows nurses to deliver high-quality care based on research and understanding rather than traditional techniques founded on myths, customs, and ancient literature (Ellis, 2019). As a result, EBP has become an important tool for delivering current treatment informed on the most recent research data. Evidence-based care is a method by which nurses regularly judge the care they offer to their clients (Schaefer & Welton, 2018). These choices have the power to trigger a favorable or negative impact on the health outcomes of the patients (Ellis, 2019). It has been demonstrated that patients will have better outcomes if indeed the care they receive is based on research as well as established techniques.

Searching for Evidence

It might be difficult to get substantial clinical scientific findings, but it seems important to the EBP course. The PICO research technique is one method to streamline and enhance the research methodology for nurses or scientists of diverse backgrounds (Zuzelo, 2018). PICO denotes a method for generating an apt clinical study topic before the commencement of research. It denotes a remembering mnemonic of the four elements of a solid clinical salient question (Zuzelo, 2018). The question should postulate the group or patient that nurses will research, the intervention or therapy that nurses will employ, the contrast of one approach to the other, as well as the expected outcome.

Defining what kind of PICOT question, defining the level of proof that adequately addresses the question, and selecting appropriate databases to review, like PubMed, CDSR, CINAHL, or DARE, are all steps in the evidence search process (Zuzelo, 2018). After that, explore the databases using buzzwords from the clinical question, then streamline the inquiry. Limiting the search terms allows focusing on more important and pertinent content, assuring that no time is wasted (Zuzelo, 2018). The final stage in creating the ideal PICOT inquiry is determining the amount of evidence for each specific article. There is a pyramid in terms of the degree and quality of the evidence while searching for the highest available evidence (Zuzelo, 2018). When reviewing journal papers, a researcher should choose those that have the greatest degree of evidence.


Ellis, P. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing. Learning Matters.

Schaefer, J. D., & Welton, J. M. (2018). Evidence based practice readiness: A concept analysis. Journal of nursing management, 26(6), 621-629.

Zuzelo, P. R. (2018). Evidence-Based Practice Methodology: Use the Correct Approach. Holistic Nursing Practice, 32(6), 340-342.

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Hello! What an insightful post you wrote here. Indeed, evidence-based caregiving is very crucial
as it provide practical clinical guidelines that have already shown positive patient outcomes. I
agree with you that EBP is well-accepted in nursing as i...

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