Module 05 Written Assignment - Disorders Worksheet

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Module 05 Written Assignment - Disorders Worksheet

Instructions: For each disorder in the tables below, identify the major symptoms and characteristics. Feel free to refer to your readings and course materials.Be sure to list your references in APA format.

Anxiety Disorders

Major Symptoms/Characteristics

Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Specific Phobia

Social Phobia


Panic Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Mood Disorders

Major Symptoms/Characteristics

Major Depression

Bipolar Disorder


Major Symptoms/Characteristics


Personality Disorders

Major Symptoms/Characteristics

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Dissociative Disorders

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder


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Module 05 Written Assignment - Disorders Worksheet Instructions: For each disorder in the tables below, identify the major symptoms and characteristics. Feel free to refer to your readings and course materials. Be sure to list your references in APA format. Anxiety Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder Phobias Specific Phobia Social Phobia Agoraphobia Panic Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Major Symptoms/Characteristics Mood Disorders Major Depression Bipolar Disorder Major Symptoms/Characteristics Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Major Symptoms/Characteristics Personality Disorders Antisocial Personality Disorder Dissociative Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder Major Symptoms/Characteristics References
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Explanation & Answer

Good evening,I hope you are having a great day. I am sending this message to inform you that I finished the homework which is attached as a Microsoft Word (.docx format) file and is entitled "Psychology Disorders Assignment".Since there were many diseases, I think what you wanted me to do is offer a brief presentation for each of them.I tried to include for each pathology a short description, symptoms and possible treatment. All the references I used are respected ones ( not Wikipedia and others like that haha ) like the DSM book, national institute of mental health lasted updated articles and other journals of known psychiatrists. I also spell checked it and it seems fine but I would recommend you to reach it once too to make sure I didn't miss anything.I also checked the content for plagiarism and there was no plagiarism found (as expected since I wrote every single phrase in the paper)I hope this is what you wanted, in case you need me to do any changes please don't hesitate to drop me a message. I will gladly help you anytime.PS: It was fun doing this homework !.

Module 05 Written Assignment - Disorders Worksheet
Instructions: For each disorder in the tables below, identify the major symptoms and characteristics. Feel free to
refer to your readings and course materials. Be sure to list your references in APA format.
Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Specific Phobia

Social Phobia


Panic Disorder

Major Symptoms/Characteristics
It represents the basic anxiety disorder. The main symptom is represented by
uncontrollable worry about a diversity of things and not only on individual
ones. Because of this, patients face chronic anxiety. Most of the time they are
not capable of preventing or stopping their worries. Usually, the patients tend
to be incapable of relaxing, they have difficulty concentrating and they tend to
see the negative side of everything. On a physical level, this can cause
irritability, trouble sleeping, and chronic headaches. What differentiates it of
the other anxiety disorders is the lack of autonomic reactivity.
Phobias are considered a type of anxiety disorders which is characterized by
irrational fear of things that most of the time posses no danger. People with
this disorder try to avoid the things they are afraid of and if they can not do
that and have to face them, they can experience tachycardia, dyspnea,
trembling and sometimes panic attacks. In some cases of phobias,
psychotherapy can be an efficient way to treat it.In extrem...

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