Developing Digital Enterprise - 6COSC013C

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Westminster International University in Tashkent


Please choose a certain business (IT-oriented), and develop an idea on a new business information system that can be implemented in the business. You are encouraged to mainly conduct research and provide a report. You are also free to plan for a digitalisation project or a kind of transformation. The second one (digitizing or transforming) should create an e-business. In order to do this, you need:

  • To analyse market. Analyse the selected business to discover the impact of IT. You are expected to identify business opportunities that emerge from application of digital technologies in that specific business;
  • To analyse internal business process. Try to explore operations of the business and evaluate opportunities of digitalisation or digital transformation;
  • To develop a new BIS. Propose a new business information system that can be applied in the business. Doing so, you must consider the outcomes of your research in the previous sections; and
  • To analyse future changes. Identify and evaluate the possible future changes and market forces, and the value chain of the business after implementation of your digital project.

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May change, subject to moderation Module name Module code Assessment Weighting Assessment components & weighting Individual written reports submission deadline Feedback date CWs check the learning outcomes Developing Digital Enterprise 6COSC013C Coursework 1 - Individual Presentation + Individual written report CW1 – 50% CW 1 - individual written report (100) CW1 – June 17, 2022 CW1 report – June 22, 2022, posted on intranet 1. Apply both creativity and reasoning in identifying new opportunities in a world of increasing user generated content, and information and knowledge transfer; 2. Critically evaluate the importance and business opportunities supported and offered by contemporary IT solutions; 3. Critically evaluate how cloud/utility computing and emerging IT provide new opportunities for modern enterprises. A descriptive approach will be enough for this purpose; 4. Analyse and design enterprise and e-business solutions based on widely utilised techniques; 5. Analyse sustainable developments in the storage, sharing and retrieval of information across international boundaries and understand the wider issues of authentication, privacy and security; and 6. Apply adequate project management skills planning a new project initiative. General guidelines: • This coursework includes an individual assignment. • You are required to submit the electronic version of the assignments (in DOC format) to the WIUT Intranet not later than the deadline. • The coursework deadline is not negotiable and late submissions will be penalized according to the University Academic Regulations. • Be honest and follow academic writing principles. Cheating and plagiarism carry severe penalties. YOU MUST KEEP A ‘PDF’-FILE COPY OF YOUR WORK Westminster International University in Tashkent Developing Digital Enterprise –CW1, Academic year 2021-2022 CW 1 task definition Please choose a certain business (IT-oriented), and develop an idea on a new business information system that can be implemented in the business. You are encouraged to mainly conduct research and provide a report. You are also free to plan for a digitalisation project or a kind of transformation. The second one (digitizing or transforming) should create an e-business. In order to do this, you need: 1) To analyse market. Analyse the selected business to discover the impact of IT. You are expected to identify business opportunities that emerge from application of digital technologies in that specific business; 2) To analyse internal business process. Try to explore operations of the business and evaluate opportunities of digitalisation or digital transformation; 3) To develop a new BIS. Propose a new business information system that can be applied in the business. Doing so, you must consider the outcomes of your research in the previous sections; and 4) To analyse future changes. Identify and evaluate the possible future changes and market forces, and the value chain of the business after implementation of your digital project. You need to communicate your findings in an individual written report. Before submitting the report, you should plan to present your work orally. We will give you feedbacks. Then you can use feedbacks to modify the final version of the report. Individual written report. Your findings must be reflected in an individual written report. CW1 report must be submitted in WLB (WIUT intranet) by 23:59 hrs on June 17, 2022. You MUST name your report as DDE_CW1_RD_NNNN.doc(x), where NNNN – is your ID number. For example, a student with ID0009999 should name his/her file as ‘DDE_CW1_9999.docx’. You do not need to post ppt file on the intranet. The recommended report structure is as follows: a. Title page; b. Table of contents; c. Introduction; d. Major research findings and developments; e. Conclusion; f. Bibliography; and g. Annex (if any). (!) If you are retaking this assessment then you must consider the marker’s feedback on your previous report in order to improve the quality of your current report. Your new report should focus on a new topic. Your report should not exceed 3000 words in length. This word limit does not include contents table, executive summary, diagrams, figures, tables, bibliography and annex. Your report should be clearly written, and the approach must be research and analytical based rather than descriptive. You are advised to reflect all your relevant findings with logical reasoning and arguments in the main body of your report and put all research data and other information into annex. The word-count must be stated on the cover page. All your statements exceeding the word limit will NOT be assessed. Your work must be properly referenced. All sources including materials from the Internet must be properly listed. You have to follow citation styles. 2 Westminster International University in Tashkent Developing Digital Enterprise –CW1, Academic year 2021-2022 Format for submission of the work Unless otherwise stated, coursework must be submitted as follows: • MS Word processed work in ‘doc(x)’; • Pages should be numbered; and • Please do not submit any loose pages. VERY IMPORTANT: your name should not appear on the cover page or anywhere else. We will be operating a system of anonymous marking. Please put your registration number on the cover page and nowhere else. 3 Westminster International University in Tashkent Developing Digital Enterprise –CW1, Academic year 2021-2022 Assessment Criteria for DDE Coursework 1 Criteria Individual written report (100) Evaluation of industrial environment (25) Mark 90-100 Analysis of business operations (25) Development of BIS/e-venture project initiative (25) Analysis of changes in industrial forces and business operations (25) Industry evaluation is very professionally delivered that show evidence of innovation and an advanced professional / academic comprehension of the research. Can be published as an academic article or business paper. Industry evaluation is so well focused and process carefully constructed, that with small changes this could be a journal article. Very professional and in-depth use of theories. Innovative approach and very practical that can be published as a small research article. Digital proposal is brilliant in its depth and clarity, worthy of a professional use or a journal article. Highly innovative approach in new BIS / eventure creating. Demonstrates highly professional and innovative approach with reallife-based and well-developed arguments. Can be suggested for practical implementation. Broad and professional application value chain techniques that can be used in a real case. Broad and in-depth understanding of ebusiness organisation theory and practice with high degree of originality limited amount of effort either for publication or professional use. 70-79% Industry evaluation is in depth, very clear and neither too broad nor too narrow. The research shows evidence of an excellent understanding and application the theory and practice. Excellent application of value chain techniques in business operations analysis. Very practical and evidence of professional competence. 60-69% Industry evaluation is clear and neither too broad nor too narrow, critical and some ability to apply original insight and thoughts. Good understanding and application of value chain techniques. Careful consideration of arguments and assumptions. A clear ability to apply original insight and critical thought to BIS / e-business creation. Theory and practice are integrated with a degree of sophistication. Evidence of professional competence. Understanding of theoretical and practical issues of BIS development. Basic degree of competence in integration of theory and practice. Careful consideration of the most appropriate methodology for the chosen case. There is evidence of a sophisticated and very comprehensive approach in industrial and business operations changes. Can be presented to the company management for practical use. Analysis stems from findings in previous sections and are feasible, developed with in-depth understanding of problems and limitations. Evidence of professional competence. Analysis and arguments are clearly stated and linked to findings in previous sections and are feasible. 80-89 4 Westminster International University in Tashkent Developing Digital Enterprise –CW1, Academic year 2021-2022 Criteria Individual written report (100) Evaluation of industrial environment (25) Mark 50-59% Analysis of business operations (25) Development of BIS/e-venture project initiative (25) Analysis of changes in industrial forces and business operations (25) Analysis is quite clear and appropriate arguments are given but some are likely assumptions and weakly supported with arguments, few doubts about whether they are feasible. Some not related to previous sections. Some inconsistencies in industry and business process analysis and recommendations are given but arguments are shallow, doubts about whether some of them are practical. Weakly related to previous sections. Inconsistent analysis of the industry and business process, shallow arguments, seems they are not practical and hardly linked to research. Some serious misunderstandings and errors in understanding of changes in industry and business process with new BIS. Very little arguments and they are usually not based on research findings. Very limited understanding of industry and business operations changes, not related to previous sections and no arguments. Adequate industry evaluation. Emerging ability to compare and contrast and criticise. Good application of the theory. Appropriate value chain analysis with some in irrelevant assumptions or arguments. Full understanding of most theories and awareness of problems and conflicting viewpoints in BIS development. Appropriate consideration of analysis tools for the given case. 40-49% Understanding of industry forces and their evaluation. Appropriate planning and evaluation, major issues are considered with some minor errors. Adequate value chain analysis. Clear understanding of business process analysis techniques. Some assumptions and arguments are irrelevant. Some inconsistencies exist. Detailed understanding of most BIS development theories and some awareness of problems and conflicting viewpoints in BIS development. Some application of analysis tools. 30-39% General understanding of the industry and its evaluation and limited application of the theory. Some errors and largely descriptive in nature. Application of internal analysis techniques is inconsistent and weak. Assumptions and arguments are not practical. 20-29% Clear attempt of evaluation but process is very unfocused, incomplete and inconsistent. Basic understanding of the industrial forces. Some serious misunderstandings and errors. Shallow analysis. Not clear understanding of financial planning techniques. General understanding of most theories and no awareness of problems and conflicting viewpoints in BIS development. Limited application of analysis tools to the given case. BIS development idea is very confused and seems of little relevance, with very little coherent analysis of any IT solution. 10-19% While there is some attempt to evaluate, but it is very little successful. Very limited analysis, very little understanding of financial planning techniques. Limited BIS idea. Emerging understanding of BIS context but it does not address the subject of research. 5 Westminster International University in Tashkent Developing Digital Enterprise –CW1, Academic year 2021-2022 Criteria Individual written report (100) Evaluation of industrial environment (25) Mark 0-9% Very little attempt to evaluate the environment. Almost complete absence of understanding of industrial issues. Analysis of business operations (25) No clear attempt of analysis. No understanding of business processes. Development of BIS/e-venture project initiative (25) Basically, no attempt to develop BIS. Analysis of changes in industrial forces and business operations (25) No clear attempt of analysis. 6
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