Culturally Diverse Individuals Are Effective Workers

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Hi Robert,

I need your help completing this paper. I've done most of the work, but I really need help organizing and completing this paper. I am still trying to catch up after the hurricane. This is the last one and then I'm caught up. Please, help me when you get a moment. Thank you.

I have added the assignment description, my work and notes as well as the data needed. The paper has some references already but feel free to change them out.

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Notes: B.V. Lori Ralferia Daniel Linda Kimberly GLen Cruz Herrera Hogan Rowe Smith B.V. Glen Lori Cruz Ralferia Herrera Daniel Hogan Linda Rowe Kimberly Smith Ryan Smith Susan Taylor Larry Thomas Eugenia 1 Ryan Smith Susan Taylor 1 Larry Thomas Eugenia Warrenton 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 X X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Connections & Backgrounds: • B. V. – 50 – male – belongs to religious group - African American – hangs out with Daniel • Lori – 32 – Hispanic – dating Daniel • Daniel – 58 – white – belongs to religious group – dating Lori – hangs out with B. V. • Eugenia – 35 – white – LGBT – dates Susan • Susan – 33 – white – LGBT – dates Eugenia Recently, a team of researchers conducted a government study about human statistics and found that workplaces that hire personnel “who share culturally similar backgrounds perform more efficiently and effectively on the job” (Argosy University, n.d.). Afte r the vice president of Total Solution’s human resources department, John, discussed the implementation of this concept with senior management, they came to a conclusion that before they can establish any new policies, they must first test the concept, and what better way to test the concept than at the new human resources office in Atlanta. Since the topic in hand is about how “colleagues who share culturally similar backgrounds perform more efficiently and effectively on the job,” John has found that he must relocate five diverse employees to pilot the concept in Atlanta. Five of ten diverse prospects must be selected for relocation. In an effort to choose the best five employees representing diverse backgrounds, an analysis of their profiles must be conducted. After a thorough analysis of the ten potential candidates, the following five employees have been chosen to relocate to Atlanta: B.V. Glen, Eugenia Warrenton, Susan Taylo, Lori Cruz, and Daniel Hogan. Each person is an excellent candidate because of their diverse backgrounds and interpersonal relationships. The five selected candidates will most likely maintain a healthy workplace environment. **** For starters, B.V. Glen is a 50-year-old African-American male who appears to get along well with everyone in the New York office which makes him a prime candidate to relocate to the new Atlanta office. His age would be beneficial to the new location because he can provide a traditional take on problem solving. Lori Cruz is a 32-year-old Hispanic woman which automatically makes her a perfect candidate for Atlanta’s new human resources office. Lori and Daniel are currently in a relationship so if Lori relocates so will Daniel, and vice versa. Both must relocate together because the company does not want to cause unhappiness by separating the two and their relationship with one another. Daniel Hogan is a 58-year-old white male and is a member of a religious group in New York. He would be a great addition to the Atlanta office since he does not get along well with Linda Rowe who is prone to arguing with him. Removing him from the New York office would eliminate any potential workplace conflicts. He brings a similar diverse background as B. V. since the two men belong to the same religious group and generation. Like B. V., Daniel can provide a more traditional take on problem solving. B. V. and Daniel bring a diverse background with their religious associations. Eugenia Warrenton is a 35-year-old white female who is part of the LGBT community. She is currently dating Susan Taylor, a 33-year old white female who is also part of the LGBT community as evident from the same-sex relationship with Eugenia. Both women are excellent candidates for the Atlanta office relocation because they offer a diverse background by being young women who represent the LGBT culture. References Argosy University. (n.d.). Module 01: Assignment 03: Culturally diverse individuals are effective workers. In MGT450 Cultural diversity in the workplace: Fall 2017 [Class assignment]. Retrieved from Argosy University. (n.d.). Module 01: Course introduction (1 of 2). In MGT450 Cultural diversity in the workplace: Fall 2017 [Class lecture]. Retrieved from Brief profile of employees in the New York office. (2006). In MGT450: Cultural diversity in the workplace [Class handout]. Argosy University [Online]. Carr-Ruffino, N. (2016). Managing diversity, 9th edition. [Argosy University]. Retrieved from Assignment 3: Culturally Diverse Individuals Are Effective Workers Suppose you work as a human resource (HR) executive at Total Solutions, Inc., a culturally and geographically diverse organization. A recent government study on human statistics indicates that colleagues who share culturally similar backgrounds perform more efficiently and effectively on the job. These study findings, however, appear contrary to the basic research on the value of diverse workforces. John, the vice president of HR has read extensively about this study. He meets with senior management to discuss if the concept can be implemented at Total Solutions, Inc. The senior management reviews the study and decides to execute the process in one office before a policy decision is made. John decides that the process should be piloted in the new HR office being set up in Atlanta. He receives the board's permission to apply the concept in the new office. He needs to relocate five employees from the headquarters in New York to the Atlanta offi ce. John obtains the list of employees based in the New York office. The list has a brief profile of the employees. John asks you to help him analyze the profiles and present your recommendations as to who are the best five employees for the Atlanta assignment. Present your analysis to John in the form of a two- to three-page report in Microsoft Word following APA format. Make sure you provide a clear recommendation of which five employees should be selected for the Atlanta assignment and that you apply the basic concepts, including race, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, and lifestyle, of diversity in your selection process. Provide rationale for your selection based on your examination of the evidence and references to at least three authoritative sources from the Argosy library or the Internet. Click here to view the list. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M1_A3. doc. By the due date assigned, deliver your assignment to the Submissions Area. Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Recommendation as to which five employees should be selected for the Atlanta assignment is clear, concise and well supported. Applied the basic concepts of diversity in the selection process, rationalized, and defended each employee selection Supported assertions with examination of evidence and reference to at least three authoritative sources using the online library and Internet. Applied current APA standards for editorial style, expression of ideas, and format of text, citations, and references. Total: Maximum Points 30 30 30 10 100 Brief Profile of Employees in the New York Office # Employee Name Age Gender 1. B. V. Glen 50 Male Physical Challenges If Any NA Ethnicity 2. Lori Cruz 32 Female NA Hispanic 3. Ralferia Herrera 27 Female NA Hispanic 4. Daniel Hogan 58 Male NA White 5. Linda Rowe 47 Female NA White African American 6. Kimberly Smith 43 Female Wheel-chair bound African American 7. Ryan Smith 28 Male NA White 8. Susan Taylor Larry Thomas 33 Female NA White 63 Male NA White 35 Female NA White 9. 10. Eugenia Warrenton Personal Group Divisions Member of an after-work religious group, along with Daniel Hogan and Larry Thomas. Dates Daniel Hogan. Socializes after work with team members Susan Taylor and Eugenia Warrenton. Member of an after-work religious group, along with B. V. Glen and Larry Thomas. Prone to arguing with Kimberly Smith and Daniel Hogan over work-related issues. Most comfortable working with B. V. Glen. Prefers to work alone, or with B. V. Glen and Larry Thomas. Dates Ralferia Herrera. Dates Eugenia Warrenton. Member of an after-work religious group, along with B. V. Glen and Daniel Hogan. Dates Susan Taylor. Page 1 of 1 Brief Profile of Employees in the New York Office © 2006 Argosy University
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Please let me know if there is anything needs to be changed or added. I will be also appreciated that you can let me know if there is any problem or you have not received the work Good luck in your study and if you need any further help in your assignments, please let me know Can you please confirm if you have received the work? Once again, thanks for allowing me to help you R MESSAGE TO STUDYPOOL NO OUTLINE IS NEEDED AS IT IS A DISCUSSION COMPLETED 100% PLAG CHECK .. REPORT ATTACHED GRAMMAR CHECKED - USING GRAMMARLY CITATION AND REFERENCES ACCORDING TO INSTRUCTION



Cultural Diversity Effectiveness



Cultural Diversity Effectiveness

Intercultural Relation Effectiveness Table
B.V. Lori Ralferia Daniel Linda Kimberly Ryan Susan
GLen Cruz Herrera Hogan Rowe
Smith Taylor Thomas Warrenton

















Connections & Backgrounds:

B. V. – 50 – male – belongs to religious group - African American – hangs out with Daniel

Lori – 32 – Hispanic – dating Daniel

Daniel – 58 – white – belongs to religious group – dating Lori – hangs out with B. V.

Eugenia – 35 – white – LGBT – dates Susan

Susan – 33 – white – LGBT – dates Eugenia



Recently, a team of researchers conducted a government study about human statistics
and found that workplaces that hire personnel “who share culturally similar backgrounds
perform more efficiently and effectively on the job” (Argosy University, n.d.). After the vice
president of Total Solution’s human resources department, John, discussed the implementation
of this concept with senior management, they concluded that before they can establish any new
policies, they must first test the concept, and what better way to test the concept than at the new
human resour...

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