RMM Information Technology Trend in Healthcare Question

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Health Medical


Information technology is the foundation of the future patient care has become a primary focus in the development of new concepts and knowledge in healthcare technology. Technological development in clinical applications is the current trend in healthcare and it will continue to play a major role for years to come. In my place of work, there continues to be an effort towards improving all the medical tools and gadgets with the aim of going all digital with the single purpose of improving service to patients. In my proposed change that is meant to prevent patients from falling. The type of technology that this project will require will include having a sophisticated network of computing programming that functions with vibration sensors which would be able to alert the nurse station whenever there is mishap or fall of patients. This is very important because 1-minute can make a difference in saving a patient's life. (Cassano, 2014). Along with this software technology, an early introduction of computer communication gizmo will make the workflow smoother, patient data more accessible for the employees and documentation easier. Most of the time it is hard to understand written communication depending on the person's handwriting styles which makes the communication difficult and possibility of medical errors and misunderstandings. However, with everything being computerized, it become easier for effective communication to take place in the organization and reduction in miscommunication keep every shift to run smoothly

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In your article, it is critical to emphasize that technological advancements in clinical

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