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Hamlet and 1984
Due Date
Hamlet and 1984
Question 1
The Special K advert has been created to suit several purposes. The advert's purpose of
inform its audience about the product and explain the benefits of using the special k breakfast
cereal. The advert also aims to persuade its audience to purchase the product by informing them
more about the product and the changes made to the special k breakfast cereal to suit its specific
need in providing nutrition to the body. This advert keeps reminding its users of its existence so
they may continue using the special K breakfast cereal and not shift to a different supplement
product. The target is most women keen on their diet to maintain their body weight or improve
their weight and shape by reducing their size. The advertisement is as successful as the actions
in the video and the message. The images clearly define and convey the purpose of the special K
breakfast cereal. Therefore, attracting the target audience to purchase the product reduces the
customer's efforts and resources in searching for a similar product that w...