Answer ONE of the following: 1. "Great leaders are born, not made". This quote sums up the essence of the Great Man theory of leadership, which suggests that the capacity for leadership is innate. According to this theory, you're either a natural-born leader or you're not. Analyze this view of leadership and discuss how relevant it is today with our understanding of leadership. 2. “Leadership is not a title. It’s a behavior. Live it” Robin Sharma. Analyze this famous quote in relation to behavioral theories of leadership, and discuss how relevant it is today with our understanding of leadership.
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Corporate Leadership
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2. “Leadership is not a title. It’s a behavior. Live it” Robin Sharma
Over the past decades, leadership has been one of the most debated topics in the business world
and social sciences. The answers generated from these discussions are key to helping those in leadership
positions to adopt effective strategies to succeed. The current business world is characterized by dynamic
and complex organizations, creating numerous challenges for managers. As a result, leaders must possess
the right behaviors that enable them to counter these challenges and make decisions that further their
goals and those of the organization. All these while many people confuse leadership with titles, positions,
money, and fame. Many researchers and writers have strived to provide more reliable explanations about
leadership. Robin Sharma states, "Leadership is not a title. It's a behavior. Live it". This paper aims to
support Robin Sharma's statement, to assess whether leadership is a behavior or a title as he claims.
Quote Analysis in relation to behavioral theories of leadership
Robin Sharma’s quote insinuates that leadership is more of behavior rather than a title, contrary to what
many people are inclined to believe (Spoelstra, 2013). In organizations, titles have used the foundation of
structures that dictate the way projects are accomplished and how decisions are made. A title implies an
individual's responsibility and level of influence within the workplace. Additionally, other organizations
use titles to gauge a person’s professional progress over time. In this case, Sharma argues that these titles
do not define a leader. His perception relates to behavioral theories of leadership that entail observing a
leader's actions and behaviors in a business setting.
According to behavioral theory of leadership, leaders are made and not born. It insinuates that an
individual can be trained to become a successful leader. Behavioral theory rejects the idea that people are
born with certain traits that make them potential leaders. Instead, it suggests that observing other leaders’
behaviors can help a person nurture their leadership skills. From this perspective unacceptable behaviors
can be unlearned. Additionally, behaviors can be tailored to organizational specifications.
There are several behavioral theories of leadership, including people-oriented, task-oriented,
dictatorial, and participative leadership.
People-oriented leaders strive to adopt behaviors that help them to meet the needs of their
subordinates, including employees, supervisors, and even clients. These individuals are motivated to build
interpersonal connections through proper communication (Henkel et al., 2019). They connect with their
subordinates and motivate them to improve their performance in alignment with corporate goals. As such,
people-oriented leaders embrace creativity, innovation, and new thinking. Organizations that practice this
form of leadership care about their employees’ satisfaction and well-being. Leaders in such settings view
their employees as valued partners rather than inferior members of the organization.
One common characteristic of people-oriented leadership is the recognition of hardworking
employees and rewards for achievements. These actions make employees feel appreciated for their
efforts, inspiring them to maintain high le...