Khalifa University Corporate Leadership Discussion

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Khalifa University


Answer ONE of the following: 1. "Great leaders are born, not made". This quote sums up the essence of the Great Man theory of leadership, which suggests that the capacity for leadership is innate. According to this theory, you're either a natural-born leader or you're not. Analyze this view of leadership and discuss how relevant it is today with our understanding of leadership. 2. “Leadership is not a title. It’s a behavior. Live it” Robin Sharma. Analyze this famous quote in relation to behavioral theories of leadership, and discuss how relevant it is today with our understanding of leadership.

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Assignment 1: An Essay (20%) Answer ONE of the following: 1. "Great leaders are born, not made". This quote sums up the essence of the Great Man theory of leadership, which suggests that the capacity for leadership is innate. According to this theory, you're either a natural-born leader or you're not. Analyze this view of leadership and discuss how relevant it is today with our understanding of leadership. 2. “Leadership is not a title. It’s a behavior. Live it” Robin Sharma. Analyze this famous quote in relation to behavioral theories of leadership, and discuss how relevant it is today with our understanding of leadership. Instructions It is assumed that you will have previously taken English 111 and 112 so you should know how to write an argumentative essay. As a reminder see the instructions below. Argumentative essays should have a straightforward structure so they are easy for readers to follow. The goal of an argumentative essay is to clearly outline a point of view, reasoning, and evidence . A good argumentative essay should follow this structure: 1. Introductory paragraph. The first paragraph of your essay should outline the topic, provide background information necessary to understand your argument, outline the evidence you will present and states your thesis. 2. The thesis statement. This is part of your first paragraph. It is a concise, one-sentence summary of your main point and claim. 3. Body paragraphs. A typical argumentative essay comprises three or more paragraphs that explain the reasons why you support your thesis. Each body paragraph should cover a different idea or piece of evidence and contain a topic sentence that clearly and concisely explains why the reader should agree with your position. Body paragraphs are where you back up your claims with examples, research, statistics, studies, and text citations. Address opposing points of view and disprove them or explain why you disagree with them. Presenting facts and considering a topic from every angle adds credibility and will help you gain a reader’s trust. 4. Conclusion. One paragraph that restates your thesis and summarizes all of the arguments made in your body paragraphs. Rather than introducing new facts or more arguments, a good conclusion will appeal to a reader’s emotions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Make sure that your assignment has a cover page with the KU logo Your name and ID The date BUSS 301 Assignment 1 and the name of your instructor Put page numbers at the bottom of each page, Include a Reference page. Font: Times New Roman. Size 11. Save in Blackboard as a Word file (No PDF files) BUSS 301 Summer 2022      This essay is NOT an OPINION essay. Your arguments must be supported by evidence and research. All your work must be referenced either using IEEE or APA. You should have a minimum of 5 academic references from academic sources (not Wikipedia). Your essay should be between 1800 and 2000 words. Marking Rubric: Your essay contains the following… A strong opening paragraph which contains a concise thesis statement. Each body paragraph contains a topic sentence that is relevant to the subject of the essay with examples, research, statistics, studies, and text citations. Your arguments are relevant, concise and support your thesis statement. All your work is cited correctly and does not contain opinion or speculation. Your essay is written to a high academic university standard. The conclusion restates your thesis and summarizes your arguments. Both parts of the essay are covered and clearly highlighted. The essay is correctly formatted with cover page and reference page etc. and is between 1500 – 1700 words long. Deadline: Sunday June 19th (Midnight).     Upload your essay into Blackboard. All quotes must be contained within “quotation marks”. You will have 3 attempts to upload your assignments to check for plagiarism. The similarity report should not reach a maximum of 9%. BUSS 301 Summer 2022 Marks 20 40 20 10 10 Type Dr Kevin author Roenames here Leadership Lecture 2: Trait Theory © Oxford University Press, 2014. All rights reserved. Learning Outcomes • Understand Trait Theory and how it has changed. • Critically appraise the theory. • Formulate your own perspective on your leadership approach and the implications of adopting this as a framework for understanding ‘leaders’. Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. Trait Theory • A trait is what we call a characteristic way in which an individual perceives, feels, believes, or acts. Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. The Big ‘5’ Model • Openness • Conscientiousness • Extraversion • Agreeableness • Neuroticism Conforming Unstructured Introversion Tough Minded Confident The OCEAN (or CANOE) model Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. Trait Theory of Leadership • Assumes leaders are born not made. • Leadership consists of certain inherited characteristics or personality traits. • “Leadership cannot be created or promoted. It cannot be taught or learned” (Drucker, 1955, The Practice of Management). Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. The Great Man (or Woman!) Theory • Thomas Carlyle - "The history of the world is but the biography of great men.” • Out of a crisis a person emerges to lead masses to safety. • Consider Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Alexander the Great. Carlyle, T. (1941) On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. Activity What are the 10 most important leadership traits for a leader in the early 21st Century? Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. Tony Robbins Top 10 1. Confidence 2. Focus 3. Honesty 4. Positivity 5. Decisiveness 6. Ability to Inspire 7. Effective Communication 8. Accountability 9. Empathy 10. Humility Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. What are the Traits of a Bad leader? • It may be difficult to put together a defining list of good traits for good leadership. • It may be more worthwhile to have a list of traits that need to be avoided. • Trait theory could be more useful with this negative perspective. • List the traits that you feel a bad leader possess. Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. Challenge • Fifty years of study have failed to produce one personality trait or set of qualities that can be used to discriminate between leaders and non-leaders” E.E. Jennings, 1961:2, The Anatomy of Leadership Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. Derail (Identify poor leadership traits) • Emotional Instability • Defensiveness • Lack of Integrity • Poor Interpersonal Skills McCall, M.W. Jr. and Lombardo, M.M. (1983). Off the track: Why and how successful executives get derailed. Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. Disappointment ‘A person does not become a leader by virtue of the possession of some combination of traits’ R.M. Stogdill, "Personal Factors Associated with Leadership: A Survey of the Literature,“ Journal of Psychology, 1948, 25, 64 Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. Summary • Trait Theory based on idea that leaders are born and not made. • Extensive studies into what traits ‘made’ a leader failed to establish a definitive list. • More commonly used as a way of identifying possible ‘derailers’. Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. Video Discussion • xgA&t=253s Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives. Final Discussion • Reflect and critically examine what you have learned today. • How useful is the Trait Theory? Roe: Leadership: Practice and Perspectives.
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Corporate Leadership
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2. “Leadership is not a title. It’s a behavior. Live it” Robin Sharma
Over the past decades, leadership has been one of the most debated topics in the business world
and social sciences. The answers generated from these discussions are key to helping those in leadership
positions to adopt effective strategies to succeed. The current business world is characterized by dynamic
and complex organizations, creating numerous challenges for managers. As a result, leaders must possess
the right behaviors that enable them to counter these challenges and make decisions that further their
goals and those of the organization. All these while many people confuse leadership with titles, positions,
money, and fame. Many researchers and writers have strived to provide more reliable explanations about
leadership. Robin Sharma states, "Leadership is not a title. It's a behavior. Live it". This paper aims to
support Robin Sharma's statement, to assess whether leadership is a behavior or a title as he claims.
Quote Analysis in relation to behavioral theories of leadership
Robin Sharma’s quote insinuates that leadership is more of behavior rather than a title, contrary to what
many people are inclined to believe (Spoelstra, 2013). In organizations, titles have used the foundation of
structures that dictate the way projects are accomplished and how decisions are made. A title implies an
individual's responsibility and level of influence within the workplace. Additionally, other organizations
use titles to gauge a person’s professional progress over time. In this case, Sharma argues that these titles
do not define a leader. His perception relates to behavioral theories of leadership that entail observing a
leader's actions and behaviors in a business setting.
According to behavioral theory of leadership, leaders are made and not born. It insinuates that an
individual can be trained to become a successful leader. Behavioral theory rejects the idea that people are
born with certain traits that make them potential leaders. Instead, it suggests that observing other leaders’
behaviors can help a person nurture their leadership skills. From this perspective unacceptable behaviors
can be unlearned. Additionally, behaviors can be tailored to organizational specifications.
There are several behavioral theories of leadership, including people-oriented, task-oriented,
dictatorial, and participative leadership.



People-oriented leaders strive to adopt behaviors that help them to meet the needs of their
subordinates, including employees, supervisors, and even clients. These individuals are motivated to build
interpersonal connections through proper communication (Henkel et al., 2019). They connect with their
subordinates and motivate them to improve their performance in alignment with corporate goals. As such,
people-oriented leaders embrace creativity, innovation, and new thinking. Organizations that practice this
form of leadership care about their employees’ satisfaction and well-being. Leaders in such settings view
their employees as valued partners rather than inferior members of the organization.
One common characteristic of people-oriented leadership is the recognition of hardworking
employees and rewards for achievements. These actions make employees feel appreciated for their
efforts, inspiring them to maintain high le...

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