Role Of Women in The Ottoman Empire Essay

User Generated




Content: Describe your topic summarize both your primary and secondary sources and explain how the sources will support your research.

You must pick out a topic for your paper. This may include but is not limited to:
-Medicine/Science/Mathematics in the ancient/mediaeval world
-Roles of women
-Education in the ancient/mediaeval world
-Imperial successions
-Wars and Battles
You must pick a specific geographic and temporal location. This can include but is not limited to:
-Ancient Rome
-Persian Empire
-Ottoman Empire
-Aztec Empire
-Inca Empie
-Ancient and Mediaeval
-Near East

Topics should be focused regarding both subject and time and place. All topics must be about the history of the subject. For example, a topic on ancient mathematics needs to focus on the historical development or developers not on the math. All topics must be about historic events or subjects from Prehistory to 1600. You may not focus on subjects outside that date range.

Explanation & Answer:
800 Words
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.

Role of Women in the Ottoman Empire
Thesis Statement: This essay discusses the role of women in the ottoman empire in the period
before 1600 BC.
Introduction: The Ottoman Empire was one of the most powerful states governed by Islamic
law. Women in Ottoman Empire did not enjoy many rights, and their roles were limited to homes
and families.

Main Body:
During the Ottoman Empire, the ruling class was defined by two groups: army officers
and bureaucrats.

The role of women in the prehistoric ottoman empire was determined by society's
customs, traditions and beliefs. The Ottoman Turks had a strict rule of segregation
between men and women during their reign.

Women played the role of arranging marriages for their sons, who were ripe for marriage.
In the prehistory Ottoman Empire, women did not choose their husbands because the
marriages were pre-arranged, and the bride had no say over marriage.

Imperial women had special powers to influence the sultans and played a major role in
shaping the politics of the empire.

Conclusion: Th...

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