complete the problems set

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complete this integrations problems and its should be explaining everything on how you solved the problems

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Name: Ela Celikbas - WVU - Fall 2017 Score: / 50 Math 156 – Order No: Homework 5 This homework is due Tuesday, Sep 26, 2017. Show all of your work! Write neatly. No credit will be given to unsupported answers. Homework sets are due at the beginning of class. Late homework will not be accepted! 1. Evaluate the following integrals. Z [7] (a) cos5 x sin17 x dx Z [7] (b) sin4 (2x) dx Z [7] (c) π sin2 x cos5 x dx 0 Z [7] (d) sec6 x dx Page 2 Z [7] (e) [7] (f) x3 p 4 + x2 dx Z p 5 − x2 dx Page 3 Z [8] (g) (9x2 1 dx − 4)3/2 Page 4
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