CINS 101 Louisiana Delta Community College Troubleshooting and Maintenance Paper

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CINS 101

Louisiana Delta Community College



Chapter 5: Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Preventive Computing Assignment

Your computer is one of the most vital tools for your day-to-day actions and education at your disposal. So much of our lives are tied up in our computers and we unconsciously depend on their smooth operations to keep our lives and school humming along. Dangers to our computers swirl around in the background all the time and taking an ounce of prevention can help prevent a pound of hurt in the future.

While these dangers are often related, they tend to fall into two categories: mechanical and malware (of software).  Imagine that you are working with Delta on an awareness campaign for students on staying safe with their computer. Using the information in the chapter, and any research you do to expand on the topics, write up an easy-to-read handout for students on the following topic:

Keeping Your Computer Safe and Happy

In this document you should share information and suggestions for

Is it important to back up your computer? How would you do this? Are there any best practices the reader should know?

Five things that everyone should do to keep their computer in top running condition, so it does not die just as your big homework assignment is due.

Ten ways to keep yourself safe online from threats such as viruses, malware, ransomware. What should you look for to avoid potentially malicious emails?

Your audience are fellow students who may not have had a chance to take CINS 101 yet and could use the benefits of what you have learned in your studies. Your information can apply to Windows, Apple or other computer machines, but be sure to indicate what operating system you are writing about.

Write up your handout using Word and submit your file on Canvas by the due date for Unit 1.

Explanation & Answer:
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Explanation & Answer

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Troubleshooting and Maintenance


1. Importance of backing up computer, method and best practices
Backing up a computer is a process in which duplicates of all the data in the device are made
and placed in two versions. Therefore, there will be an original version and then a backup. It is
essential to back up your computer because it is designed to protect important files and other data
from getting lost. Data can easily get lost from an unplanned event, and it is, therefore, essential
to maintain a copy that would be restored. For windows users backing up data is relatively ...

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