AFAM 101N The Ohio State University The Looking Glass Self Theory Paper

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The Ohio State University



write about stereotyping, and glass mirror theory with african american women and how they have struggled with these

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The Looking Glass Self Theory

Student's Name
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Course Number
June 28, 2022


The Looking Glass Self Theory
Our perception of others plays an essential role in how people view us. We often
change our lives based on what we perceive as other people's perceptions of us. People tend
to form their sense of who they are based on how they believe other people perceive them,
and this phenomenon is referred to as the "looking-glass self." People use the judgments they
receive from others as a "mirror" to evaluate their sense of worth, values, and behaviors
compared to others.
African American women have had their sense of self and identity affected by the
social perception of those around them.
Harmful Stereotypes
Due to the stereotypes against African American women, many often develop low
opinions of themselves. These opinions may interfere with their physical and mental health.
Without the proper support mechanisms, many of these women tend to fall into ...

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