In a executive memorandum for the organizational leadership team, you will explain the mission and function of OSHA and analyze the overarching safety standards that impact the cost of regulations and enforcement in modern organizations. Creating a culture of workplace safety and legal compliance is a very real task for the human resource professional. Each type of work setting has some overarching safety standards. Compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is part of everyday record keeping and expenses within a business. You will have the opportunity to learn more about OSHA and how its work impacts modern organizations. By creating a memorandum for your leadership team, you will get practical experience communicating the legal issues, expenses, and benefits of compliance with OSHA regulations. Introduction
Your organization is reviewing their Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) practices and expenses to determine if they are currently effective or if they need to be revisited. Your executive memorandum will serve as background information for the ongoing discussions between organizational leadership and the human resource department. Your Challenge
You are a human resources specialist with experience in establishing OSHA protocols and the related costs. You will write the memorandum of explanation to the organizational leadership team so that they can carry on an informed discussion about practices in your organization. Instructions
1. Write a executive memorandum to organizational leadership regarding the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and its effectiveness in the workplace. Include the following:
- Describe the mission and function of OSHA.
What is OSHA intended to do? Is it working?
List some of the compliance objectives, or the overarching safety standards.
- Analyze the impact of OSHA in modern organizations.
What does the HRM professional need to know about OSHA?
Analyze the cost of regulations and enforcement versus the benefit in reduced worker injury. Is the cost of regulations and enforcement worth the results?
Develop health- and safety-related best practices for human resources and organizational leadership.
Are there different perspectives toward interpretation, monitoring, and compliance with OSHA, and do the differing perspectives enhance or hinder workplace safety?
Evaluate the ways in which a company can mitigate risk.
2. Your executive memorandum is to be written coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.
3. Support your assessment with citations from relevant readings, and use real-world organization examples to demonstrate the importance of the concepts and analysis you have provided. Academic Requirements
The deliverable for this assessment applies professional skills in Human Resources Management (HRM) to workplace situations which you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in HRM. As part of your learning, we focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace.

Explanation & Answer

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Executive memorandum
Student's Name
Mission and Function of OSHA
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was established to ensure
all employees have a healthy and safe work environment by training and teaching people about
OSHA standards. Employers are in charge of maintaining records of occupational diseases and
injuries, setting up a secure workplace that complies with OSHA regulations, and giving workers
training. OSHA often establishes the requirements for giving women and men the information,
training, and outreach needed to keep them healthy or safe in their jobs (Minnick et al., 2019).
OSHA has also removed some hurdles by ensuring employees have the proper working
environment. Additionally, OSHA ensures that organizations benefit by establishing standards
that enhance employee productivity.
Compliance Objectives and Safety Standards
OSHA compliance objectives are meant to ensure that firms have internal controls to
manage and gauge potential risks. There is also the availability of in-house services, ensuring
that firms comply with the required rules, regulations, and procedures. OSHA also wants to
provide coverage for its clients who engage in activities not intended for them. This is effective
since many clients are satisfied with the services provided by OSHA. Most firms provide their
staff with em...