Capella University Descriptive Statistics Essay

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Capella University


Assessment 1 Instructions: Descriptive Statistics

  • Use IBM SPSS to create, interpret, and analyze two histograms in a Word document.Descriptive statistics are just what they sound like, statistics that allow you to describe or summarize the data with regard to such things as their distribution and their spread. Descriptive statistics provide you with a picture of your data while inferential statistics (which we will discuss in subsequent assessments) allow you to draw conclusions about relationships between variables or differences between groups.A solid understanding of descriptive statistics is foundational to grasping the concepts presented in inferential statistics. This assessment measures your understanding of key elements of descriptive statistics.Your first IBM SPSS assessment includes two sections in which you will do the following:
    1. Create two histograms.
    2. Calculate measures of central tendency and dispersion.
    This will give you some experience with the data set.


    The grades.sav file is a sample SPSS data set. The data represent a teacher's recording of student demographics and performance on quizzes and a final exam. For this assessment, you will create and describe two histograms and a descriptives table using these data.


    Using the final and gender variables in your grades.sav data set, create two histograms and paste them into your Word document:
    SPSS Variables and Definitions
    SPSS VariableDefinition
    Genderfemale =1; male =2
    Finalfinal exam: number of correct answers
    • A histogram for male students.
    • A histogram for female students.
    In addition, briefly describe what a visual inspection of this output tells you about the nature of the curves.


    Using the grades.sav file, compute descriptive statistics, including mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis for gpa and quiz3.
    SPSS Variables and Definitions
    SPSS VariableDefinition
    GPAPrevious grade point average
    Quiz3Quiz 3: number of correct answers
    Create one descriptive table for GPA and quiz3. In addition, briefly describe what skewness and kurtosis tell you about these data with regard to normality.Submit both sections of your assessment as an attached Word document. Refer to the Copy/Export Output Instructions [PDF] for guidance.


    The following statistical analysis software is required to complete your assessments in this course:
    • IBM SPSS Statistics Standard or Premium GradPack, version 24 or higher, for PC or Mac.
    You have access to the more robust IBM SPSS Statistics Premium GradPack.Please refer to the Statistical Software page on Campus for general information on SPSS software, including the most recent version made available to Capella learners.Make sure that your SPSS software is downloaded and installed with fully activated licensing on your computer and running properly within your operating system (PC or Mac). If you need help with these steps, refer to the SPSS Installation Helper.


    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
    • Competency 4: Interpret the results of statistical analyses.
      • Provide accurate interpretation of histograms for males and females.
      • Provide accurate interpretation of measures of central tendencies.
    • Competency 5: Apply a statistical program's procedure to data.
      • Provide histograms for males and females.
      • Provide measures of central tendencies.




Explanation & Answer:
5 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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Histogram Plot


Part 1: Histogram and Descriptive Statistics
The purpose of the problem informs the composition of descriptive statistics and
histogram. The total score represented in the histogram is for the male and female students.
From the SPSS sample dataset (grades. sav), the data displays information on learners'
demographics and total scores that were acquired on interviews and examinations in all the
three-class course departments. These were recorded by the teachers and with 105 students in
which every section constituted 35 learners.
In plotting the histogram, the variable applied was given by the total score attained by
the learner. Respectively, this is a quantitative variable and computed on the platform of a
ratio scale. Accordingly, the histogram plotting was done with the presentation of gender,
which is a nominal variable.
Histogram of Total Score by Gender
Histogram Plot of Male Total Score
The diagram is a histogram of the male, which is shown in Figure 1 below.


Fig 1. Histogram plot of a total score of the male.

With reference to the above histogram presentation in Figure 1, the data displayed is
skewed to the left, demonstrating the average mean score is smaller than the middle value as
the median. Hence, the mean total score of the male students is smaller than the score above
50% of male students. The data is thicker at the base and slightly thinner peak, showing a
positive kurtosis. Essentially, there exists a single significant outlier, as demonstrated in the
histogram diagram, that correlates with the total score...

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