Porter's five forces about Disney World (Strategy Management)

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Enpury Lna

Business Finance


You should fill all blanks about Threat of New Entrants, Bargaining power of supplies, Bargaining power of Buyers, Threat of Substitutes and Industry rivalry. Get the percentage and Force rating of each of them. Then provide a summary of the analysis.Porteru2019s Five Forces.docx

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Porter’s Five Forces Threat of New Entrants: Percentage (Barriers)= _____ _____ Force Rating= _______1. Economies of Scale _______2. Product Differentiation _______3. Capital Requirements _______4. Switching Costs _______5. Access to Distribution Channels _______6. Cost disadvantages independent of scale _______7. Retaliation of Existing Competitors (Indicate all “present” items. Rate overall force as High, Moderate, or Low.) Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Percentage= _____ _____ Force Rating= _______1. The supplier industry is dominated by a few large producers. _______2. The supplier doesn’t compete with substitute products. _______3. The industry is not an important customer of the supplier group. _______4. The supplier’s product is an important input to the buyer’s business. _______5. The supplier group’s products are differentiated or _______6. There are switching costs. _______7. The supplier group is inclined to forward integration. (Indicate all “present” items. Rate overall force as High, Moderate, or Low.) Bargaining Power of Buyers: Percentage= _____ Force Rating= _____ _______1. The buyer is concentrated or purchases large volumes relative to the seller’s sales. _______2. The buyer purchases standard or undifferentiated products from the industry. _______3. The buyer faces few switching costs. _______4. The buyer earns low profits. _______5. The buyer is inclined to backward integration. _______6. The industry’s product is unimportant to the quality of the buyer’s products/services. (Indicate all “present” items. Low.) Rate overall force as High, Moderate, or Threat of Substitutes: Percentage= _____ Force Rating= _____ _______1. They are subject to trends improving their price/performance value relative to the industry’s product. _______2. There are no switching costs. _______3. The substitute industry is experiencing a growth rate in sales. _______4. The substitute industry is experiencing expansion of capacity. _______5. The substitute industry is experiencing high profits. (Indicate all “present” items. Rate overall force as High, Moderate, or Low.) Industry Rivalry: Percentage= _____ Force Rating= _____ _______1. Many equally balanced competitors _______2. Slow industry growth _______3. High fixed or storage costs _______4. Lack of differentiation or _______5. No switching costs _______6. Capacity augmented in large increments _______7. High exit barriers. (Indicate all “present” items. Low.) Rate overall force as High, Moderate, or Provide a summary of your analysis. industry? Overall, is this an attractive
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