University of the Cumberlands Computer Science Essay

User Generated


Computer Science

University of the Cumberlands


First Question

Research a scholarly paper or professional video on  "Project Management" and reflect on only one of the following:

"PMI": PMI identifies a number of Process Groups, Knowledge Areas and individual Processes. Which ones seem the most critical or the most demanding or the most complex.

"3-legged stool": Name and describe how each leg of the 3-legged stool of project management affects the other legs. 

intructions to be followed

You must copy and paste the topic you chose (either "PMI" or "3-legged stool") at the start of your initial post to provide a context for your answer.

Your initial post must be between 100-150 words on what caught your eye and reflect on what you read. 

Your initial post must provide one APA reference with in-text citation.  Do not use the textbook as a resource.

The reference must include the URL/DOI of your resource so that other students can view the content themselves.

second question

search a scholarly paper or professional video on "Gathering Requirements" and reflect on only one of the following:

"Business vs Functional": How is the difference between a Business Requirement and Functional Requirement? 

"Structure": How is a Requirement written? 

"Interactive Methods": Which of the following is more beneficial: interviewing, questionnaires, sampling, document analysis, observation, or text analytics?

"CCB": What is a Change Control Board?

Explanation & Answer:
300 Words
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Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.


3-Legged Stool of Project Management

Institutional affiliation
Assignment due date

Q1. How each leg of the 3-legged stool of project management affects the other legs?
The 3-legged stool of project management is linked and works together to ensure proper
project management. This comprises of people, processes, and information that together makes
up a 3- legged stool of project management. These are the three most essential parts of a project
that need to be handled correctly to succeed (Levitt, 2004). When a company does not have
excellent individuals who have the will to follow a good and straightforward process, arrive up
with a piece of good information, and provide it in order to support the objectives and goals of a
project, then someth...

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