San Diego State University Accounting Worksheet

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Business Finance

San Diego State University


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The Thomas Family has been growing various varieties of heirloom tomatoes in its green houses near Fargo North Dakota. During the summer months, the family sells their tomatoes at farmers markets around the area under the name of Thomas' Tomatoes. Thomas has 24 full-time employees and hires 150 to 200 seasonal workers for the harvest. For the past few summers, you have sold tomatoes at farmers' markets within a 20-mile radius of the Thomas family farm. When you graduated, you were hired as the full-time accountant/office manager. Until now, Thomas' Tomatoes, or TT for short, kept most of its accounting records in a big file box. Tom Thomas Jr., the owner, would like a more organized approach to the farm’s accounting records. He has asked you to establish a proper set of books. You decide to start by establishing appropriate journals and ledgers for these transactions. Presented below are a set of vendor invoices and a few partially completed journals and ledgers. Your job is to record these transactions and update the appropriate ledgers. Be sure to leave a proper audit trail. Use Excel to complete this problem. Be sure to use cell links/references and formulas in Excel so that your worksheet(s) can be used in future months. Include account balances for the end of the month. Submit your Excel workbook here by the due date. Include your name and REDID as the heading for the worksheet(s) of your Excel workbook. Here is the list of vendor invoices for the month of May. The following are the journals and general ledger and subsidiary ledger accounts required to complete this activity. The Thomas Family has been growing various varieties of heirloom tomatoes in its green houses near Fargo North Dakota. During the summer months, the family sells their tomatoes at farmers markets around the area under the name of Thomas' Tomatoes. Thomas has 24 full-time employees and hires 150 to 200 seasonal workers for the harvest. For the past few summers, you have sold tomatoes at farmers' markets within a 20-mile radius of the Thomas family farm. When you graduated, you were hired as the full-time accountant/office manager. Until now, Thomas' Tomatoes, or TT for short, kept most of its accounting records in a big file box. Tom Thomas Jr., the owner, would like a more organized approach to the farm’s accounting records. He has asked you to establish a proper set of books. You decide to start by establishing appropriate journals and ledgers for these transactions. Presented below are a set of vendor invoices and a few partially completed journals and ledgers. Your job is to record these transactions and update the appropriate ledgers. Be sure to leave a proper audit trail. Use Excel to complete this problem. Be sure to use cell links/references and formulas in Excel so that your worksheet(s) can be used in future months. Include account balances for the end of the month. Submit your Excel workbook here by the due date. Include your name and REDID as the heading for the worksheet(s) of your Excel workbook. Here is the list of vendor invoices for the month of May. The following are the journals and general ledger and subsidiary ledger accounts required to complete this activity. Question 1 Question 2
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Thomas Tomatoes Journals and General Ledgers for the month of M
Purchases Journal

Bud's Soil Prep
Osto Farmers Supply
Whalers Fertilizer
Osto Farmers Supply
IFM Wholesale
IFM Wholesale

Supplier Invoice

Total Purc
Accounts Payable: Account Number 300
Balance Forward
Suppliers Invoice TT45 from Bud's Soil Prep
Suppliers Invoice 14568 from Osto Farmers Supply
Suppliers Invoice 893 from Whaler...

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