Nursing Question

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Formulate a clinical question based on clinical problem


In this part of the assignment you will Identify a clinical question of interest to you. This assignment consists of two parts.

Part I

Provide a description of the clinical question/issue, as well as the relevant patient population, setting, nurse’s role (FNP or RN)., and the significance of the problem. Also discuss current management/ approach to the problem and the gaps/needs to address the issue.

Part II

Develop a PICO(T) question. Also, please suggest key search terms that you will use to begin your search.

Content of part I of the EBP project

  1. Title page
  2. Description of the clinical issue
  3. Relevant population
  4. Clearly stated significance of the problem
  5. Current management/approach to the problem and gaps/needs to address the issue
  6. Clearly stated PICO(s) question guiding the project
  7. Reference list (if needed)

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