Philosophy and Business of Spa Essay

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aming and Casinos os Study → pptx A e to search Assignments Assignments Spa Industry Assignment Based on our July 6th and July 13th classes - "Philosophy & Business of Spa" and "So You Want to be a Spa Manager", please answer the following questions: Awareness and analysis of trends in the global spa industry is critical to successful management of a spa facility. You are the Spa Manager at Fallsview Casino Resort in Niagara Falls and your boss, the VP of Resort Services, calls you into a meeting to discuss a challenge with the spa you are managing. Following an independent operational analysis of the spa at Fallsview Casino Resort, there is a concern the spa services being offered don't fit well with or reflect current trends in the global spa industry. You have been asked by your boss to create a report with at least three examples of the following macro trends influencing the global spa industry both today and into the future and "fix" the disconnect between global spa industry trends and spa services offered at the spa af Fallsview Casino Resort: 1. Social and Demographic Trends (6 marks) 2. Technological Trends (6 marks) 3. Economic Trends (6 marks) 4. Environmental Issues (6 marks) 5. Political Trends (6 marks) Feel free to research additional information related to these particular macro trends from other sources which also can be used in the assignment. For each of the five macro trends, provide at least 3 examples of trends affecting the global spa industry. Your submission must be a minimum of 700 words excluding the cover page and references page. The paper must be typed in Times New Roman, 12 point font, and double spaced. APA format is required. Include a Title page and if applicable, a references page. Be mindful of the similarity/sameness index. Try to keep it below 20%. Do not simply copy and paste unless information from a table or image is used. Do not copy information from an assignment you have submitted previously for this course or another course. Give yourself time with this assignment and do not wait for the last hour to submit. Technical problems may arise, and any technical difficulties disabling your ability to submit by the due date, will still result in a zero grade. This assignment is due on or before end of day or 11:59 pm on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 This assignment is worth 2.5% of the overall course grade. To submit your assignment, click on the "Spa Industry Assignment" link and follow the instructions. E P. amazon 38888 O acer 22°C Rain ENG Show all 1:42 PM 2022-07-18 X
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Philosophy and Business of Spa
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Like any other company, the spa sector has to have efficient administration and careful
planning. Therefore, to be a great spa manager, one must research the spa industry and consider
the factors that may come together to create an environment beneficial to the firm's expansion.
Therefore, paying close attention to the feedback and concerns expressed by consumers
undoubtedly needs to be the first step in analyzing the tendencies that impact the organization.
Therefore, as the spa manager at the Falls View Casino Resort in Niagara Falls, following the
most recent concerns about our services, I will draft a report at the request of my boss that will
highlight the macro trends that may be influencing the global spa today and in the future, which
may help in mitigating the issues that are currently being faced.
Social and Demographic Trends
The features of a given population are known as the socio-demographic trends of that
population. The demand for spa services is heavily influenced by the quantity of wealth a person
has and their personal preferences. When seen from a worldwide perspective, the demand for
spas is primarily motivated by the need to find rel...

Really great stuff, couldn't ask for more.


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