Diagnostic Formulation

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*Please read all instructions thoroughly and follow them completely. Answer all questions and complete the assignment correctly please. Paper must be 5 to 7 pages. Please use correct grammar and have complete sentences that make sense also.*

Assignment 2: RA: Diagnostic Formulation

Review the case given below case study (Psychological Evaluation for Jessica E. Smith) for this required assignment (RA). On the basis of the information in the case study, provide a principal (primary) and a secondary diagnosis for the person using the most recent DSM codes. You will also discuss your diagnoses in narrative (paragraph) form. Then, identify and discuss at least one differential (possible alternate) diagnosis for the principal diagnosis and at least one differential (possible alternate) diagnosis for the secondary diagnosis that you gave. Lastly, discuss whether a diagnosis from other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention is warranted.

While you are welcome to list medical conditions that might be a concern, your primary and secondary diagnoses should be psychological conditions listed in DSM-5.

Your paper should have separate sections for:

  • Principal and secondary diagnoses
  • The reasons for selecting the principal and secondary diagnoses
  • Social and cultural factors that may influence the principal and secondary diagnoses
  • Differential diagnoses, including a consideration of whether a diagnosis from other conditions are applicable
  • The reasons for selecting the differential diagnoses
  • Your rationale and justification for why your actual diagnoses are a better fit than your differential diagnoses

Include citations and references in APA style. Your paper should be 5–7 pages in length.

Click here to read the case study (Psychological Evaluation for Jessica E. Smith).

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, save your report as M3_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and submit the document to the Submissions Area.
Assignment ComponentProficient

Maximum Points

Provide a principal diagnosis for the selected case study.At least one principal diagnosis was provided.


Provide a secondary diagnosis for the selected case study.At least one secondary diagnosis was provided.


Discuss the rationale for the principal and secondary diagnoses in narrative form.Discussed clear reasons for the principal and secondary diagnoses based on the DSM criteria.


Discuss social and cultural factors that may influence the principal and secondary diagnoses.Provided a thorough discussion on social and cultural factors that may influence the principal and secondary diagnoses.


Identify at least one differential (alternate) diagnosis for the principal diagnosis.Provided a plausible differential diagnoses for the principal diagnosis, including a consideration of whether a diagnosis from other conditions are applicable.


Identify at least one differential (alternate) diagnosis for the secondary diagnosis.Provided a plausible differential diagnoses for the secondary diagnosis, including a consideration of whether a diagnosis from other conditions are applicable.


Discuss the reasons for your differential diagnoses.Gave a clear rationale for each of the differential diagnoses based on the DSM criteria.


Justify why your initial diagnoses are a better fit than the differential diagnoses.Clarified why your actual diagnoses are better suited for the person in the vignette than any of the differential diagnoses.


Writes in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.




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Explanation & Answer



Assignment 2: RA: Diagnostic Formulation
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Date of Submission




Diagnostic Formulation
The Statistical and diagnostic manual of the mental Disorders is the handbook used by
the health experts in the USA and a substantial part of the globe as the legitimate manual for the
mental orders conclusion. DSM was designed and printed by the American Psychiatric
Association, it overs a sole standard criterion and also as parlance via which the mental disorders
can be organized. The DSM has side effects, descriptions, and another process for analyzing the
mental challenges. It provides a distinctive parlance to clinicians to convey concerning their
patients and sets up dependable and expectable results which can be used as a section of the
examination of mental conditions. It similarly

provides a distinctive dialect to experts to

anticipate the principles for prospective future variations and to benefit in the development of
drugs and other involvements (Bovin, Marx, Weathers, Gallagher, Rodriguez, Schnurr, & Keane,
The DSMA has often been revised and studied because it was initially disseminated in
1952. The previous adaptation of the DSM was completed nearly two decades earlier; because
from that time, there have been numerous research of novel and learning on the mental disorders.
DSM–5 is a physical for judgment and examination of psychological matters and does eliminate
information or rules for the action of any disorder. Essential alterations were made in this new
description through omission of significant subtypes of schizophrenia, for example, paranoid and
catatonic(Bovin et al., 2016). The fifth publication of DSM, the most recent, is what is applied
for the diagnostic creation of Jessica Smith that will comprise the code and secondary analysis
and also the disparity, motives, and cultural and social factors.




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