Monetary Policy Supply and Demand

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1. Later in the course we will be most interested in what governments and central banks can do to smooth the business cycle and promote steady economic growth. The real loanable funds market will play an important role. In the graphs below, show the shift in either demand or supply for real loanable funds by drawing in a new curve. (In MS Word, use Insert/Shape, then select and draw a line.) Write short explanation of the change in the real risk free interest rate (Y-axis) and the real loanable funds per time period (X-axis). Here an example of a graph as given in a typical problem and with the completed graph on the right. S S R R D D RLF RLF a. The central bank engages in Open Market purchases of government securities. R S D RLF S S1 D The money supply will increase causing an increase in the supply of real loanable funds (Right-ward Shift). This would lower the real risk-free interest rates increasing the quantity of real loanable funds. b. The US Treasury Department borrows money to finance infrastructure building. R S D RLF S D1 D This would mean that Demand for loanable funds increase causing the Demand curve to shift to the right which would cause Interest Rates to increase. c. The US Federal Reserve Bank increases the monetary base and the Treasury Department simultaneously borrows to finance an increasing government deficit. R S D RLF S S1 D1 D The increase in monetary base (money supply) would cause the supply of loanable funds to increase with the subsequent decrease in interest rate, and the borrowing would cause the demand for loanable funds to increase causing interest rates to increase. The extent of the effect cannot be determined from the given information yet the actions would lessen the crowding out effect. A new equilibrium point would be reached. d. Rising RGDP reduces the federal government budget deficit. R S D RLF S D1 d The demand for loanable funds would decrease (shift to the left), which would cause interest rates to decline e. Federal Reserve increases the discount rate. R S D RLF S1 S D The Discount Rate is the rate the Fed charges commercial banks. The increase in the discount rate discourages commercial banks from borrowing from the Federal Reserve Banks, hence the supply for loanable funds decreases (left shift) causing interest rates to increase.
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1. Later in the course we will be most interested in what governments and central banks can do to
smooth the business cycle and promote steady economic growth. The real loanable funds
market will play an important role. In the graphs below, show the shift in either demand or
supply for real loanable funds by drawing in a new curve. (In MS Word, use Insert/Shape, then
select and draw a ...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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