King Abdulaziz University Amazon Empire Discussion

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Business Finance

King Abdulaziz University


1.View the video "Amazon Empire" and take notes on the key points being presented.
2. Write a 2 page (single spaced) paper summarizing the key issues presented (a) from a business strategy perspective (b) from a business and society perspective.
3. Link for video:

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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Amazon Empire
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The key issues presented from a business strategy perspective
In this documentary, FRONTLINE PBS presents a comprehensive biography of Jeff
Bezos and the founding of the online business giant, The documentary
captures Bezos' start as a student with an entrepreneurial spirit and the eventual creation of
Amazon in 1994. Business Insider reported that "Amazon is worth more than Walmart." With
an estimated net worth of 150 billion dollars, Jeff Bezos has surpassed Bill Gates as the
world's richest person. In just two decades under his leadership at, Inc., Bezos
has helped redefine how individuals interact with one another and conduct business
internationally through e-commerce transactions. Mr. Bezos's approach to business is based
upon a few fundamental principles that any business entity can apply.
The first principle is to keep the company in close contact with consumers by
providing an atmosphere that allows for constant feedback and to continue listening as a
means of developing products and services that meet consumer demands. In the documentary,
Bezos describes his vision for Amazon as a company where "customers are going to be able
to enter the Amazon system through any portal and then be able to take advantage of a worldclass customer service experience." (Frontline, 2020). This intrinsic focus on consumer needs
has helped Amazon expand from books into almost every product category, from clothing,
musical instrument...

Super useful! Studypool never disappoints.


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