Overcoming Egocentrism Discussion

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1. Overcoming Egocentrism (Chapter 4)

What is Egocentrism? (52)

a. How do you recognize egocentrism in yourself or in others?

b. Why should we seek to overcome egocentrism and become a fair-minded thinker? (55)

c. Discuss a major goal in your life that could be improved by begin a fairminded thinker.

d. Give a practical example where could you get started practicing fair minded thinking?

2. What level thinker are you? (Chapter 5)

Carefully assess your own ability to think critically.

a. First, what level of critical thinker are you? Refer to at least one of Chapter 5’s specific levels. (64)

b. Second, what makes you believe you are at that stage of critical thinking? Give at least two specific examples from your own life.

c. Finally, how might you progress to the next level in your critical thinking abilities? 

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