Question Description
I'm working on a public health discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
1. What is the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity? Give some examples of each.
2.What are the current preferred and non-preferred sexual orientation and gender identity related terms and phrases.
3.What are some of the present challenges to conducting and/or interpreting research within the LGBT community.

Explanation & Answer

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Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Student's Name
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Course Number
July 29, 2022
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
1. What is the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity? Give some
examples of each.
An emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction to other persons that is either innate or
unchangeable through time is one definition of what is known as sexual orientation. A
person's sexual orientation can be summed up by the kind of persons they find attractive and
whether or not they feel sexual attraction toward them. The gender of the person with whom
one is interested in having an intimate relationship is a significant factor in establishing a
person's sexual orientation. The term "gender identity" refers to the subjective internal and
unique experience of gender that each person has, regardless of whether or not this
experience corresponds with the sex they were assig...