this is a medical microbiology project. the questions are in the final unknown docx and the instructions are in the unknown instructions apptx
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1. Your Names and Emails
2. Unknown Number
3. Purpose of the experiment
This experiment aimed to identify a specific bacterium through a series of tests.
4. Identification process
In trying to identify an unknown bacterium, I conducted a series of tests. These tests included a
gram stain, a methylene blue stain, and a catalase test.
a) First test: Gram Stain
A Gram stain is the most common method to identify different bacteria types. A
Gram stain is performed by adding a purple dye to a bacteria sample and then adding a
decolorizing agent. The decolorizing agent removes the color from bacteria that do not
retain the paint, while bacteria that keep the dye appear purple. This method is used to
identify two major groups of bacteria, Gram-positive and Gram-negative.
From the results I derived, as depicted in the above images, the gram stain
showed that the unknown bacterium was gram-positive. It is supported by Gram-positive
rods and bacilli on the slide under a microscope. Furthermore, this bacterium stained
positively with Gram's and Safflower's acid dyes. Therefore, we can assume that this
bacterium is capable of growing in a gram-negative environment as well.
b) Methylene Blue Stain
A methylene blue stain test is used to identify the presence of bacteria. The
methylene blue stain test is achieved by adding a small amount of methylene blue
solution to a specimen of the bacterium. If the bacterium is available in the sample, it
will stain blue. If the bacterium is not present in the sample, it will not stain blue.
As evidenced by the previous image, the methylene blue stain showed that the
unknown bacterium was methylene blue-positive. It is s...