POL 110 SU US Government & Business Logistics Management Questions

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POL 110

Strayer University



LOG 110 U.S. Government: Your text states that the mass media can play a relatively positive role in influencing and shaping the public agenda through the following techniques:

  • Setting the public agenda.
  • Framing issues.
  • Serving as a watchdog to guard against fraud and abuse.

Choose one of the three methods above and explain how the mass media coverage informs the public about politics and public affairs in a positive way, and how it can also mislead and distort the truth.

In other words, can the media both enhance and undermine American democratic principles and values? Please explain.

MKT 315 Business Logistic Management: Select a business of your choice that would utilize a channel partnership.

  • Compare and contrast three of the sources that a channel manager for that company would use to find prospective channel members.

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LOG 110
Citizens rely on mass media coverage to gain access to political knowledge (Shehata &
Stromback, 2021). Among the three approaches, mass media serves as a watchdog against fraud
and misuse, transforming the political media systems. In a democratic society, the media serves
as a watchdog by giving citizens the political knowledge they need to make leadership decisions,
monitoring government actions, establishing the topic for public conversations, and creating
spaces for political discourse. As a result, the media's role as a watchdog has enabled more
people to have their voices heard by allowing their opinions to go viral.
However, the media can al...

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