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Kaplan University School of Arts and Sciences PS522 Unit 5 Assignment Unit 5 Assignment This is a multiple baseline design. You can interpret it as across subjects, across behaviors, or across settings. Be sure to explain which multiple baseline design you are using. Graph A The first graph represents subject, behavior, or setting A. The graph is divided into two halves; the condition change line divides baseline from post-intervention data. Your job is to create a client and a hypothetical situation that could fit this data using a multiple baseline across subjects, across behaviors or across settings. Answer these questions/discuss these concepts for case A: 1. What behavior are you observing? Note that the behavior you select should be specific, observable, and measureable. 1 PS522 Unit 5 Assignment 2. Label the X and Y axes specifically. 3. Explain in objective, behavioral terms why there are spikes in the graph (both high and low) before and after the treatment is applied. What could account for these spikes in this case? Be specific. 4. The graphed “after” data is a saw tooth pattern. Does this mean that the treatment being applied is ineffective? Why or why not? Would you expect to see a smooth, straight line as opposed to the saw tooth pattern? Why or why not? 5. In this case, would you want to see the “after” half of the grid elevated? In other words, is it a good thing to have the behavior graphed at higher levels after treatment than at baseline? Why or why not? Explain your answer. 6. Explain why it is unlikely that the y axis represents a percentage. Graph B The second graph represents case B. The graph is divided into two halves; the condition change line divides baseline from post-intervention data. Your job is to create a hypothetical situation that could fit this data using a multiple baseline across subjects, across behaviors, or across settings (consistent with case A). 2 PS522 Unit 5 Assignment Answer these questions/discuss these concepts for B: 1. What behavior are you observing? Note that the behavior you select should be specific, observable, and measureable. 2. Label the X and Y axes specifically. 3. Explain in objective, behavioral terms why there are spikes in the graph (both high and low) before and after the treatment is applied. What could account for these spikes in this case? Be specific. 4. The graphed “after” data is a saw tooth pattern. Does this mean that the treatment being applied is ineffective? Why or why not? Would you expect to see a smooth, straight line as opposed to the saw tooth pattern? Why or why not? 5. In this case, would you want to see the “after” half of the grid elevated? In other words, is it a good thing to have the behavior graphed at higher levels after treatment than at baseline? Why or why not? Explain your answer. 6. There is some missing data from the baseline trials. What could account for this? Does the missing data significantly affect the interpretation of the “before” behavior? Should the researcher throw out all of the recorded data and start over because there was a period of time where data was not recorded? 3
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