SC Performance Management Paper

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Business Finance

Seneca college


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HRA701 Individual Assignment #2 (20%) Due Date: 6PM on August 3 (No exceptions) Instructions: • Write in sentences and paragraphs (no bullet points), maximum 3 pages double-spaced, using Calibri 12 pt font and 1 inch margins. Points will be deducted if your paper deviates from these standards. I will not read beyond the third double spaced page. • There is no need to copy this paper/ questions in your submission. You can just number your answers. • After you draft a response, ensure you are directly answering the question. • Students must upload an MS Word version (MS Word only, not PDF) to Blackboard before due date stated above (please note time differences) using the following format to name your file: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_HRA701_IndAssign2_Summer2022 Academic Honesty: Assignment#2 should be completed INDIVIDUALLY using your own words. Collaboration between students on any question is strictly forbidden and will be subject to Academic Honesty review. A high degree of similarity of wording and/or content with other student(s) papers is also a form of Academic Dishonesty. Students are not allowed to do research from sources other than lectures, PowerPoint slides and the Textbook. References and content from external sources is a form of Academic Dishonesty. Any citations from lectures, PowerPoint slides and the Textbook should use MLA citations and a Works Cited Page. Lack of citations or rewording from the text is a form of Academic Dishonesty. The Works Cited Page will be p.4. By beginning this assignment, I affirm that I will not give or receive any unauthorized help and that all work provided will be my own. I agree to abide by Seneca’s Academic Integrity Policy and I understand that any violation of academic integrity will be subject to the penalties outlined in the policy. 20 total marks, worth 20% of your overall grade. Instructions: Marks will be given to precise and concise answers. Your answers should incorporate content from lectures, the course PowerPoint slides or the Textbook only. Each question is worth 5 marks. 1. Performance management reduces an organization’s legal risks. Give four reasons to support or refute this statement. 2. How would you incentivize a Sales Employee at a car dealership? Give four reasons to support your answer. 3. Describe four distinct strategies for management to improve relations with a Union. 4. Is arbitration an effective means to resolve labour relations issues? Give four distinct reasons to support your answer.
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