AU Barret Farm Foods Case Study

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Business Finance

ashford university


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The final assignment | Case a… 400 Possible Points 05/08/2022 Attempt 1 IN PROGRESS Next Up: Submit Assignment Add Comment Unlimited Attempts Allowed 01/06/2022 to 10/08/2022 Details The final assignment will consist of case analysis and will be due by August 5th at 11:59pm (EST), no exceptions, and no extensions. Cases for analysis are one of the following cases at the end of the book chapters: Case Chapter 11: Global strategy at Lenovo p. 325 ; or Case Chapter 13: Barrett Farm Foods p. 389 You select ONLY ONE CASE. In your case analysis you need to demonstrate the following elements: –Understanding of the problem. –Identify the multiple causes of the problems raised. –Identify alternative ways of solving problems. –Evaluate the proposed alternatives in terms of their pros and cons. –Choose one alternative or a combination of alternatives. –Explain the implementation plans, including contingency plans in case the proposed solution would not work out as expected. Your Final Assignment should be between 8-10 pages in length, excluding cover page and bibliography, and be written in APA format. View Rubric ( Submit Assignment ( The final assignment case rubric Criteria Ratings Pts Organization- 50 points / 50 pts view longer description Content Accuracy150 points / 150 pts view longer description Creativity- 150 points / 150 pts view longer description Application- 25 points / 25 pts view longer description Style and Grammar25 points / 25 pts view longer description Total Points: 0 Choose a submission type Upload More Canvas Files or ( Submit Assignment ( Choose a file to upload File permitted: DOC, DOCX, PDF ( Submit Assignment (        
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Barret Farm Foods-Case Study
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Barret Farm Foods-Case Study
Understanding the problem
Barret Farm Foods is the sixth largest food company in all of Australia. It is based in
Melbourne. Philip Austin is in charge of running the business right now. He is the
general manager of the company. In the past few years, the food supply company has
made more money through all of its distribution channels. This includes the shipping of
raw agricultural goods and food that has been processed. Some of the other things this
company sells are honey, dried fruits and ginger, macadamia nuts, cereal bars, and
garlic. All of these products are sold in Australia, but none are sent outside the country.
Because Barret Farm's products can't be sold in other markets without the help of
distributors and sales agencies with strong ties to the global market, they have to rely on
export intermediaries like distributors and sales agencies to increase their profits. The
Australian government's trade promotion agency, Austrade, also raised this issue
(Medallo,2016). According to what they said, the food and beverage industry has muchuntapped potential if businesses can expand their operations internationally. Most of
Australia's food industry is made up of raw foods rather than processed foods. But
Austrade says processed foods are more likely to be exported than foods that haven't
been changed. According to the agency, even a 10% improvement in this area would
make a big difference in Australia's ability to keep a positive trade balance. As a direct
result of what the agency found, it told food companies that they should process their
products before exporting them. Instead of sending the grain overseas in its raw form, it
could be baked into bread and other baked goods and then sold in international markets.
Several sources said that commodities like meat and sugar had the most potential to be
exported. Regarding food manufacturing companies in Australia, like Barret Farm's


Food, the question is how it affects their ability to sell their products in other countries
Causes of the problems
The Australian food company can't sell its products in other countries because it
doesn't have the skills it needs to export. To improve the country's trade balance, it is
essential to deal with the many things that have led to the current situation. Most food
businesses in the United States, including Barret Farm's Food, deal with raw materials.
This is the first and most important thing. A few of the people there brought this up.
Austrade, the government agency in Australia that is in charge of promoting trade,
brought up this subject. The agency decided that the product shouldn't be sold because it
goes bad quickly and isn't likely to be in a state where it can be eaten by humans when
it's on store shelves. Some of Barret Farm's managers had noticed that the company
didn't have the expertise to make its exports as s...

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