Prompt: Submit an 8–10 page draft of the analysis of issues of the company you chose for completing Milestone One. This information will be used as part of the final consulting report. Within the analysis of issues, address the following:
II. Analysis of Issues For this section of the assessment, you will provide your analysis of the company’s corporate responsibility including people, planet, and profit.
a. Personnel (people):
i. Identify the major stakeholders that may have been adversely affected by the behaviors of the company through the lens of personnel relationships. Consider: What specifically has occurred to demonstrate corporate irresponsibility?
ii. Analyze current practices in terms of personnel relations occurring in the selected company. How do they compare to current research on corporate responsibility in terms of personnel relations? Consider giving examples of exemplary practices in the industry or related industry to support your claims.
b. Environmental (planet):
i. Analyze the environmental impacts affected by the policies of the company. How has this company made a positive impact on the environment? Consider giving examples of exemplary practices in the industry or related industry.
ii. Based on your analysis of the company’s impact on the environment, conclude how this company has demonstrated corporate irresponsibility. Consider justifying your response using supporting examples. iii. Predict the short- and long-term effects of the current environmental policies upon the major stakeholders. How can improvement in this area benefit the stakeholders? Consider providing some examples of companies that have made an effort to benefit the stakeholders through a responsible environmental policy.
c. Sound Business Practices (profit):
i. Determine what stakeholders are affected when the company remains profitable. How is this balanced with responsible corporate behavior? Think about using anti-exemplar illustrations of other companies in which the pursuit of profit has overshadowed responsible corporate behavior to support your claims.
Attach a (1–2) page outline of the recommendations and implementation for your chosen company; the outline can contain bullet points, listed information, or short phrases that indicate areas you will expand upon in the Milestone Three submission. This information will be used as part of Milestone Three and the final consulting report. Within the recommendations and implementation sections, address the following:
III. Recommendations For this section of the assessment, you will provide and outline of the recommendations based on your analysis of the company’s corporate responsibility including people, planet, and profit.
a. People: Recommend how this company could improve on its relationships with stakeholders, such as employees or customers.
b. Planet: Recommend ways this company could improve in terms of its environmental policies.
c. Profit: Point out some adjustments that the company might make to remain or become profitable.
IV. Implementation For this section of the assessment, you will provide deeper insight on how the company could implement your recommendations and promote a culture of responsible corporate behavior.
a. People: Illustrate specific steps needed to be taken by the company to implement your recommendations to improve relationships with stakeholders. What are the possible sacrifices that might need to be made? Think about how implementing these steps could help change the culture of the company.
b. Planet: Illustrate immediate steps needed to be taken by the company to implement your recommendations on how to improve in terms of its environmental policies. Consider justifying your response by including how implementing these steps can help change the culture of the company. c. Profit: Illustrate specific steps necessary for the company to remain profitable. How would taking these steps promote a culture of responsible corporate behavior? Consider the cost of the implementation of the changes versus the overall benefit of the changes.
Rubric Guidelines for Submission:
Milestone Two should follow these formatting guidelines: an 8–10 page draft of the Analysis of Issues section, and a 1- to 2-page outline of the Recommendations and Implementation sections, with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA format.
Explanation & Answer
Waste Management Inc
Students’ Name
Institution Affiliation
It is crucial to recognize that as we produce waste, every person has to be responsible for
it. Management of waste is not a responsibility of only the people who go around collecting it.
The legislations available provide that every producer of waste is responsible to a certain extent
of the wastes they produce. However, some companies have founded to deal with waste
management as their core responsibility. This paper seeks to analyze the corporate social
responsibility of Waste Management Inc.
According to Datamonitor (Firm) (2014), Waste Management Inc is an environmental
management company founded in 1972 and headquartered in Houston, Texas in North America.
The company whose mission to make maximum use of available resources while minimizing and
eliminating environmental effects of waste to further both ecological and economic sustainability
for all its stakeholders is the largest ecological management company and serves more than 2.1
million municipalities, industrial customers and commercial customers in Canada and the US.
This paper looks at the analysis of the Waste Management Inc and its corporate responsibility.
The main stakeholders of the Waste Management Inc are divided into primary
stakeholders, the secondary stakeholders and the external stakeholders. The primary stakeholders
are the people directly affected, either negatively or positively by the operations of the Waste
Management Inc. They include the citizens and households getting services from the company.
The secondary stakeholders are those that play an intermediary role and have a significant
impact on the company's outcomes. They include municipalities and their employees,
state/national government departments and officials, CBOs, NGOs, lending agencies (donors),
Area Based Organizations, private sweepers, waste pickers, entrepreneurs and the contractors
working on the waste collection points (Waste Management Inc & Piper & Marbury, 2014). The
external stakeholders are not involved directly and but may be affected by the operations of the
company. In waste management, external stakeholders are significant groups, and it has many
possible actors. Examples of external stakeholders are the residents neighboring waste
management sites, waste processors, middle-men in the waste recycling industry and itinerant
waste buyers.
In its operations, the company believes in exhibiting the highest levels of ethics as a
company and to its stakeholders. The main objectives of the company are to create an
environment where its workers understand the standards of ethical conducts expected from them
so that they can abide by the standards. Secondly, its objective is to let employees to
anonymously and confidentially communicate breaches in an inclusive and ethical manner
without any fear. Lastly, its objective is to offer training to its employees on Waste Management
and the significance of commitment to ethical conduct, inclusion, and diversity. To achieve these
objectives the company has done several initiatives.
First, the company has ensured that every employee has an updated code of conduct
which outlines the company’s core values of accountability, honesty, respect, inclusion,
professionalism, employee empowerment, diversity and it accentuates the need for honest and
fair business dealing in all aspects of its business. Secondly, the company operates a Help Li...