Operating systems

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Computer Science


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date of exam : 19th of august

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Week Topic 1 1 Introduction, Threads 2 Mutual Exclusion, Locks 3 Producer-Consumer, Readers-Writers 4 Dining Philosopher and Pitfalls Liveness Safety LO 5 6 Introduction 7 Memory Allocation 8 Multi-Process Systems 9 Memory Protection 10 Virtual Memory 11 Revision Session Topic 2 Patterns, Hardware, OS Semaphores Spin locks and Barrier Synchronization Protocols Programming Model Processes Input and Output File-Systems Paging Emerging Issues
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Explanation & Answer

Please view explanation and answer below.The exam was on 19th August and sent


Exam solutions

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Exam solutions
Question 4
4a AuEqual allocation:
In a systems with x frames and y processes, the total number of frames distributed to each
process is equal, as shown by the expression x/y. For illustration purposes, if there are 48 frames
in the system and 9 processes, then each process will get 5 frames. A free-frame buffers pool
may be created out of the three frames that have been left without being assigned to any process.
The distribution of equal frames among all processes in a system that has processes of varied
sizes is inefficient and does not make a lick of sense. When a high number of frames are given to
a relatively simple procedure, the result will ultimately be the loss of a huge number of frames
that have been allotted but are not being utilized.
Question 4b
When 7 0 1 2 are assigned to the slots that are vacant, this results in four page faults since the
slots were initially empty.
0 is already present, hence the page will fail with a 0 Page fault. Because the number 7 will not
be needed for the greatest amount of time in the foreseeable future, it will be replaced by the
number 3 when it arrives. —>1 Page fault. 0 is already present, hence the pa...

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