case study famer insurance

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312 CHAPTER 7 Training MANAGING PEOPLE Learning Opportunities for Employees Are No Accident at Farmers Insurance Group of Companies relevant to their jobs rather than forcing them to learn every Farmers Insurance Group of Companies is the third-largest thing at once and having them frustrated with being unable insurer of auto and homeowners insurance in the United States to recall the information when they need it later. As a result and also provides other insurance and financial products. of the program revision, converting new agents to full-time Farmers has 60,000 employees and exclusive and independent status improved by 12%, sales results exceeded sales goals agents in every one of the 50 states. It processes millions of by 11%, and agency success rates increased 10%. insurance quotes, new policies, renewals, and bills each year. Recognizing that new technologies are potentially useful In the insurance industry, legal requirements and the introduc- tion of new products, processes and services make training and for training delivery and instruction, Farmers has started to development critical for business success. At Farmers Insur- use virtual classrooms, mobile learning, social networks, elec- ance, learning professionals are rewarded based on the degree tronic tablets such as iPads, and learning simulations. While to which training programs change the behavior of employees taking courses at the University of Farmers, learners can use and help the business meet its objectives. Learning is delivered electronic tablets to take notes, access websites and articles based on the desired end result. No wonder that Farmers has and view videos. The video capabilities of the tablets allow been ranked in the Top 10 of Training magazine's Top 125 for instructors to use them to record the learners' practicing skills the last four years and will be inducted into the Hall of Fame! and then provide feedback and coaching. Also, the instructors Farmers uses a blended learning approach to deliver can create learning materials such as iBooks with embedded effective learning to its multigenerational employees and videos. To encourage learning outside of a formal classroom agents who are located across the U.S. Farmers believes that environment, Farmers developed iFarmers apps for custom- rather than allowing learners to chose the type of training ers, sales agents, and employees. The iFarmers customer app method that they believe best fits their style, a blended learn- helps customers learn about different insurance products. An ing approach is more effective. As a result, its training pro- iClaims app gives customers access to input and managing grams integrate face-to-face instruction, print, online, video, their insurance claims. The iAgent app provides business- audio, virtual simulations, and coaching. Technology is used focused learning for sales agents. Farmers has also been exper- for delivering knowledge and instructor-led training is used imenting with social networking for employees to collaborate, for skill development. In the past five years the amount of create and share knowledge, and to provide performance sup- learning delivered through instructor-led classroom based port. Some training programs are using the social network for training has dropped from 90 to 50%. The other 50% is online or informal learning. For example, Farmers is using allows learners to specify whether they want to use Twitter. collaborative exercises. Farmers' "Agency Insider" program various training methods to help its employees cope with the Facebook, e-mail, or an RSS feed. changes made in claims processing, ratings, billing and prod- uct systems in support of Farmers business strategy, which QUESTIONS emphasizes customer experience, distribution, and product 1. Is Farmers' training strategic? Why? What information management excellence. For example, field managers were did you consider in determining your answer? required to complete online training and webinars designed to provide the new knowledge they needed. Then the man- 2. Does Farmers support informal learning? How? What else could the company do to facilitate informal learning? agers received instructor-led training, videos, and coaching guides. Farmers also revised its training program for new 3. How would Farmers determine if training, instead of some agents as a result of an increased failure rate of new agen- other reason, was responsible for the failure of new agents? cies. The revised program includes more coaching, perfor- mance support aids, and multimedia methods. It also insures M. Weinstein, "Farmers' Comprehensive Training Policy." Training (January February 2013), pp. 42-44: L. Freifeld, "Farmers' Premier Position," Trainine that new agents learn knowledge and skills when they are January/February 2011), pp. 26-31: J. Salopek, "Thriving through Change SOURCES: Based on, website for Farmers Insurance: Cultivating Growth." T +D (October 2010). pp. 53-54. HR IN SMALL BUSINESS How Nick's Pizza Delivers Training Results At first glance. Nick's Pizza & Pub sounds as ordinary as a company can be a nizza restaurant with in one of Cu take
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Running Head: CASE STUDY


Case Study


Question One

Farmers Insurance Group has training that is strategic to ensure that each of the
employees has an understanding of the roles which they have to play to make its operations
successful. In this case, the firm rewards its employees based on the level of training that they go
through. As a result, every employee should undergo training to enable them to get rewards that
will meet their needs. Also, the company offers training based on the ...

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