MATH 110 Simplifying radical expressions Discussions

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math 110



Part A: Resources

I’ve chosen to discuss PatrickJMT’s video on simplifying radical expressions because it is a topic that I particularly struggled with when I first encountered it. I’ve noticed that he uses a very different method from what we’ve learned in class, involving the multiplication of the whole expression to the power of the reciprocal of the index. For example, if you’re trying to find the square root of an expression, you multiply the whole expression by the exponent of ½. This leaves you with multiple variables with fractions as their exponents, then you turn these exponents into mixed numbers to separate what goes inside and outside of the radical at the end. I personally found this method to be a little overcomplicated and confusing. I much prefer the method taught by Kahn academy which involves factoring things out and is very similar to what we learned in module 1.  A possible explanation could also be that once I learn how to solve a problem, as long as it works, I usually do not like to use new methods.

Part B: Calculators

Looking at the desmos calculator, the first thing to jump out at me was the relationship between linear and exponential growth. As the x value increased by one, if the y value increased by the same number each time (like adding 2 every time) the line would stay straight. If the y value increased exponentially (like multiplying by 2 every time) the line would curve upwards. I also thought about functions and how each input can only have one output. If I had two x values of 4 in the table, each with a different y value, the line would drastically change direction.

Part C: Understanding Graphs

As a weather forecaster in the Navy, this topic was right up my alley. To get a bit more into it, the terms wet-bulb and dry-bulb come from the method of measurement. Dry-bulb temp is the ambient temperature taken from a traditional thermometer. Wet-bulb temp is the temperature to which air can be cooled through saturation, taken from a thermometer with a wet cloth over the bulb, hence the terms. The farther away the wet-bulb and dry-bulb are from each other, the less humid it is. This is reflected pretty well by both charts and they are overall consistent with one another, although the bottom fails to display the relationship between wet and dry bulb temps and how it is indicative of humidity but rather just shows that high temperature and humidity are bad. Linked below is an interactive map that displays the highest daily wet bulb temps around the world. In Particular, areas of Pakistan and the countries surrounding the Arabian Gulf saw short instances of wet bulb temps spiking past 35°C. Although this data traces all the way back to 1979 instead of 2012, instances of wet bulbs exceeding 35°C  have doubled since then and are only expected to increase.

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Good morning Class; I like how Batuhan Vural presents the concepts of resources,
calculators, and understanding of graphs. I agree with his post that simplifying radical expressions
is a challenging topic for most of us. Different methods may be used in approaching the topic of
simplifying radical expres...

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