DSI200 Analyze This! interpretive Data Analysis
User Generated
The final project is intended for you to demonstrate informational design and the ability to think about data in a human context. You will complete a full analysis of data using a dataset from the Social Science Data Archive to demonstrate the ability to visualize information and see patterns and connections to ultimately, create meaning.
- Using the RAW web app, you will compare and contrast three visualization types, their functionality, pros, cons, limitations, and so forth.
- Using Microsoft Excel (or similar spreadsheet program), you will calculate the descriptive statistics for the variables covered in the visualization (mean, median, and standard deviation).
- Comparing the descriptive statistics to the visualizations, you will determine which format presents the data more effectively.
- Finally, using both the visualization and descriptive statistics, you will explain the meaning of the data and make inferences from those results.
The aim of this assignment is for you to critically review and interpret a data set in the social sciences by performing an analysis and presenting multiple data visualizations. Meaning from numbers can be found in multiple ways—numerically and visually—and all methods help to describe meaning.This part of the final project is due on Friday 8/19. The rest of the project is attached along with these instructions. The final project is due on 9/19.
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