This assignment is specific to a particular pediatric primary care practice and is mostly based upon student observation and experience. In your paper, include the following elements:
From your observations and experiences in your pediatric clinical rotation, provide an example of multidisciplinary collaboration.
From your observations and experiences in your pediatric clinical rotation, provide an example of how multidisciplinary and family collaboration affect patient outcomes.
Discuss how you have been able to promote communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals, patients, and family/caregivers.
- Discuss a particular case where collaboration among healthcare professionals and family members affected patient/family satisfaction.
- In your clinical practicum, what are some barriers you have observed to collaboration among health care professionals, patients, and families?

Explanation & Answer

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions.
Collaboration in Pediatric Primary Care
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Due Date
The procedure wherein two or more entities or individuals work jointly to execute a task is
characterized as collaboration in general. According to Morley & Cashel (2017), collaboration in
the healthcare industry is the mechanism by which professionals’ band collaboratively to finish a
task in order to guarantee that the patient result is improved. This may be accomplished in a variety
of ways, including integrating resources and work performed in health care facilities and decisionmaking processes (Shahidullah et al., 2018). Similar to how it is used in the broader healthcare
industry, collaboration may also be used in pediatric care, where interprofessional teamwork has
been shown to assist maximize patient achievements including ease of drug access. In this essay,
the focus is on how collaboration in pediatric basic care might be beneficial. It will be predicated
on a clinical professional's observation of teamwork during a clinic rotation.
An Illustration of Multidisciplinary and Family Collaboration
As a nurse practitioner at a specialized community clinic, throughout my daily shift in the
pediatric treatment center, I engage with patients and see various examples of teamwork that
contribute to some of the relevance in the industry. The effective care of a particular child who
had pneumonia was made possible through the collaboration of a pediatrician, a certified registered
nurse, a prescriber, and a laboratory technologist at the healthcare facility. This was an illustration
of interprofessional cooperation. For instance, the pediatric nurse collected the plasma specimen
and provided it to the laboratory specialist, who determined the findings of the ailment. Each
member of the health professionals knew what to do with the child. On the other side, the
pharmacist created the drug for the child's ailment after receiving a prescription from a physician.
Promoting Communication and Collaboration
Patient experiences in the healthcare profession are largely dependent on multidisciplinary
collaboration and patient-family involvement. According to Busari et al. (2017), collaboration in
care has been found to enhance clinical outcomes by lowering incidences of comorbidity and
death, preventing avoidable unpleasant drug responses, and improving prescription doses.
According to what I have seen in the pediatrician's office, if the child's relatives and the medical
staff work together, the patient's prospects will be optimized. This is owing to the fact that all
results will be optimized as a result of the intervention being patient-centered. Additionally,
because they were aware of the potential illnesses the patient may be experiencing, the medical
professionals had an extremely straightforward experience and found it simple to administer basic
care. Patient results will improve as a function of the partnership, which will enable patientcentered treatment that may be error-free (Duroja...