Information Systems Security Implementation Recommendation

User Generated


Computer Science


Effective information security recommendations must be incorporated into a formal information systems security plan with the objective to protect critical organization information assets.

Use your findings from the previous individual assignments to develop a 700- to 1,050-word security proposal for your information systems security implementation recommendation. The recommendation should identify risks, threats, and vulnerabilities.

Consider the requirements for multilevel security, the application of the COBIT framework, NIST, ITIL, ISO27000, COSO, the U.S. Office of the Presidency Executive Order 13636, and PPD 2.

Include 6 to 8 peer-reviewed or professional organization sources.

Note: The presentation should include detailed speaker notes, and a reference cited slide at the end of your presentation.

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Explanation & Answer

The final answers are ready. If you need anything revised or added, let me know.

Surname 1
Information Security Implementations
Every organization faces threats and vulnerabilities from time to time. Upgrading it to
face new threats is also common where new problems are brought forward, dealt with and new
measures set to avoid any future threats. Security measures appraisal is essential to curb new
threats brought about by changes in technology. To understand when there is the need for such
implementations, organizations carry out frequent evaluations. Vulnerabilities are checked and
rechecked, and new risks are identified too. The security teams work on these risks and make
sure that they are no longer a problem as favorable solutions are put in place.
To come up with an effective security proposal, one must understand the relationship that exists
between threats to an information system and vulnerabilities. In the first recommendation,
organizations should be able to do regular checks that will reveal any weakness. Vulnerabilities
are common weak links that are manipulated by unwanted users who can then gain access to the
network. Vulnerabilities can come in the form of the system or employees who might not be
entirely skilled on how to handle these systems and how they can prevent any attacks. They may

Surname 2
also be presented by issues such as uncontrolled access of data or information that will increase
vulnerabilities experienced by the organization.
To address the issue of vulnerabilities, businesses should do regular security tests on their
systems. For example, the security managers can try to identify any new hacking techniques and
use it against the networks. It will show areas that are vulnerable to the attacks. Based on these
tests, i...

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