Increasing Business process by using WebSphere - project

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Computer Science



If you are not sure whether your research methodology is traditional or action, contact (email) your instructor for clarification

The 1st Iteration to include your Plan, Action, Observations, and Reflections.

  • Plan – at least one page in length, should include a description of all the planning activity that has taken place…may include agendas or other manuscripts as appropriate
  • Action – at least one page in length, should include a description of that actual activity
  • Observation – at least one page in length, should include a description of all the information collected as well as any analysis
  • Reflection – at least one page in length, should include a description of your thoughts about what happened, what went well, as well as not so well. If your iteration was a meeting, you may want to discuss the effectiveness of the meeting, did you have the best participants, did you miss any (not invite) or learned during the meeting you should have invited someone else..if so, what are your thoughts regarding mitigation …etc…

Remember to support appropriately. Use 'personal communications' as necessary.

Note: plz don’t use the word job at all or how to secure a job , project is not about getting a job in this technology. Research should not be on job based plz.

Plz write about how to integrate, increase business process and its advantages and who are the stake holders plz

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Explanation & Answer


Iteration 1: gather information on the capabilities and functionalities of IBM WebSphere
The iteration mainly focuses on gathering related as well as reliable information on the
capabilities and functionalities of IBM WebSphere in supporting business processes. Primarily,
IBM WebSphere lets marketers increase customer engagement and drive the loyalty of
customers. Besides, it results in the increase of profit margins with an upgraded business
environment. Therefore, IBM WebSphere is a complete platform that enhances the deployment
of efficient business models thus offering a personalized and a consistent customer experience
(Robinson, 2011). As I discussed in the proposal content, having a capable IBM WebSphere
enhances the development of new products as well as services with a higher degree of flexibility.
Thus, it improves the roll-out of new products and services in a significant manner.
Planning phase
Following the planning phase, I will major my focus on the arranging of all the activities
methodically within the specified time. The efficiency of the activities planned is essential in
making the final analysis on the functionalities and capabilities of the IBM WebSphere in the
integration and the improvement of business processes. Most importantly, I will utilize search
engines, professional networks, newspapers, articles and books in the identification of reliable
information on IBM WebSphere. Besides, I will involve different experts who are proficient in
the utilization of IBM WebSphere. It will ensure that they offer real-time learning as well as
first-hand information on the capabilities and the functionalities of IBM WebSphere.
Specifically, I will involve significant stakeholders who will be a WebSphere Commerce

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