University of Maryland Technology And Covid 19 Discussion

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Criteria Exceeds Performance Expectations 30 points Meets Performance Expectations 26.7 points Always identifies the correct issue, collects and Usually identifies the correct issue, evaluates information, collects and evaluates information, and applies logical, step- and applies logical, step-by-step by-step decision-making decision-making processes to processes to articulate articulate clear, defensible ideas. clear, defensible ideas. Clear evidence of originality. Quoted content includes quotation marks and correct APA in-text citation including the page or paragraph number depending on the format of the source. Non-quoted content that needs to be cited provides correct APA in-text citation. The reference list includes cited sources only. There is no evidence of copying and pasting or other types of plagiarism. Critical Thinking / Originality Critical Thinking / Originality Clear evidence of originality. Quoted content includes quotation marks and an in-text citation that may contain errors or fail to include the page or paragraph number. Non-quoted content that needs to be cited, provides a mostlyaccurate APA in-text citation. The reference list includes cited sources and may erroneously include sources that were not cited. There is no evidence of copying and pasting and or other types of plagiarism. Indicates an exceptional understanding of the topic (connecting it with our readings or other sources). Indicates a satisfactory understanding of the topic. Understanding of Topic Indicates an exceptional understanding of the topic, connecting it with our readings or other sources. Indicates a satisfactory understanding of the topic. Presentation of Ideas Expresses well-organized thoughts in complete sentences with no grammar/spelling mistakes. Expresses organized thoughts in complete sentences with a few grammar/spelling mistakes. Does Not Meet Performance Expectations 23.7 points Criterion Score Rarely identifies the correct issue, collects insufficient information, and does not apply a logical step-by- Score of Critical Thinking / Originality, step decision-making process to articulate clear, defensible ideas. / 30 Lacks clear evidence of original thoughts. May contain too many quotations thus rendering the paper a series of quotes and not a reflection of what the student thought about and wrote. May include inaccurate in-text citations. The reference list may erroneously include sources that were not cited, contain APA formatting errors, and or failed to provide the source for cited content. May contain evidence of copying and pasting and or other types of plagiarism. Or did not submit. Indicates a limited understanding of the topic, reflecting what other students have already posted or repeating information that was in the assigned reading. Or did not submit. Indicates a limited understanding of the topic, reflecting what other students have already posted or Score of Understanding of Topic, repeating information that was in the assigned reading. Or did not submit. / 30 Expresses thoughts in sentences that are incomplete or have many Score of Presentation of Ideas, grammar/spelling mistakes. Or did not submit. / 30 Instructions Once your article brief topic is approved and you move towards the completion of the assignment please remember the following: • • • • • The summary is to be no more than three pages. You must follow APA requirements which include having a title page, an abstract, introduction and conclusion. You must have at least one reference on a separate references page to the article itself. You must discuss of the strengths and weaknesses of the article. You must discuss your opinions about the significance, accuracy and clarity of the article and how it relates to the class.
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