HU 200 PGU Nursing Photograph Analysis

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Health Medical

HU 200

Purdue Global University



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Photograph Analysis 2: dal Dispatch... CSalvage Cars for S... Shipping Containe... Follow the same process you used in the first part of the Assignment to analyze a second set of photographs. Select another photograph from the chapter on Photography and another photograph from your life. Try to assess different styles from the first analysis to the second. For example, if you have pair of landscapes for Analysis 1, opt for portraits for Analysis 2 or if you have chosen two photographs that are similar for Analysis 1, opt for two contrasting photographs for Analysis 2 and build that assessment. www The Assignment should be at least 600 words, and must use and cite the text as a source. Cite the resource internally and in full reference at the end, following APA style guidelines. Citation is important to build the definitions, demonstrate your research, and to make it clear which ideas are yours and which are from the source. Read the "Writing for the Humanities" document in Course Resources, or check with the Writing Center for APA style tips and other assistance.
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Explanation & Answer:
2 Picture Analysis
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Photograph Analysis

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Photograph Analysis
Photograph analysis 1
The photograph I have selected for this analysis is a landscape photograph of the
Alhambra, figure (6-33) in the book (Martin & Jacobus, 2018). This picture of a fortress
constructed on a hilly flat land makes it more visible from the lower grounds. The fortress lies
above all the structures in this region. The color of the bricks used to build this fortress is red and
sits high above all the town structures. Plain massive exterior walls characterize the building.
The building is magnificent, beautiful and luxurious. The building is surr...

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