Questions on War

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QUESTION 1 s points Save Answer A/An international system is one in which a major state seeks to not recognize the rights of some states to exist and tries to overthrow them. reactionary revolutionary legitimate illegitimate imbalanced 3 points Save Answer QUESTION 2 Theories which focus on image and perception as causes of war argue that conflict is the result of one leader's image of another leader, accurate news, and skewed intelligence true understanding of the economic and military prowess of another state misperception, skewed news, and one leader's image of another leader misperception and skewed news and skewed intelligence imbalance of power among states 3 points Saved QUESTION 3 The security dilemma produces at the very least what outcome? increased military spending decreased military spending peace increased social spending war 3 points Saved QUESTION 4 What are the IR levels of analysis as proposed by Waltz? revolutionary, state, and systemic individual, state, and systemic individual and state state, systemic, and macro individual, state, and revolutionary QUESTION 5 Which level of analysis does Waltz say is the only complete level? individual state international system dyadic micro 3 points Save Answer QUESTION 6 Which of the following does Huntington say best explains ongoing conflicts between Islam and Christianity? cultural antipathy revolutionary international system security dilemma balance-of-power theory hierarchy-of-power theory 3 points Save Answer QUESTION 7. Which of the following is a correct interpretation of the hierarchy-of-power theory? The calculations of power are problematic and it is not possible to know when power balances. Transition times are blurry and cause countries to stay safe and avoid war. Big wars with decisive outcomes lead to immediate retaliatory wars. Periods of peace occurred when power was symmetric. Achieving an accurate balance of power helps prevent obstreperous states from warring. 3 points Save Answer QUESTION 8 The 2006 Israeli incursion into Lebanon is an example of which theory of war? previous-war democratic peace balance of power hierarchy of power security dilemma Save Answer 3 points QUESTION 9 Which of the following is an international system suggested by Henry Kissinger in which all states accept other states' right to exista
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Questions of War
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