Florida Technical College Effective Presenters Discussion

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Business Finance

Florida Technical College


8.2 Discussion Board: Effective Presenters

  • Explain the tasks involved in developing a presentation using the three-step process
  • Compare and contrast the aspects of delivering a presentation in a live setting versus digital or social medial
  • Outline the tasks involved in creating and delivering an effective business presentation

Who do you believe is an effective public speaker/presenter? What are the qualities, traits, and characteristics that make this person an effective presenter? Is this person usually well-prepared when delivering a presentation? Why or why not? If this person generally uses visuals when speaking, does it enhance or detract from the presentation? Why or why not? 

Explanation & Answer:
2 pages
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Explanation & Answer

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8.2 Discussion Board: Effective Presenters

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8.2 Discussion Board: Effective Presenters
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is the person I believe is an effective presenter. I say so
because she has great qualities and traits that make her a great presenter. She always has to
ensure that her message is conveyed in a manner that is interesting to the audience ("5...

Nice! Really impressed with the quality.


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