University of Phoenix Enterprise Modeling Essay

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Computer Science

University of Phoenix


Reflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words. This reflection activity is comprised of two sections collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflections by responding to all prompts.

The Case for Letting Business Solve Social Problems

Reflect on the following questions. Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts, as well as how these concepts will affect your thinking and practice in the future.

  • How do the decisions across the three different managerial levels differ?
  • When you or managers you have had in the past made decisions at each of the different levels, did you or did they have sufficient data and understanding to make a decision? Discuss an example of a decision made with insufficient data or information and its result.
  • If you were designing an MSS, what different data, information, or support systems would you include for each of the three different managerial levels?
  • Specifically, for an IT manager, what data is important for the MSS to provide and what decisions can it help them make?
Starting a Business

Reflect on the following questions. Demonstrate your understanding of the concepts, as well as how these concepts will affect your thinking and practice in the future.

  • How do CSFs and KPIs support business decisions?
  • How can IT managers leverage CSFs and KPIs? (Your answer should be broader than just making decisions and include advantages such as improving employee motivation.)
  • Who should be involved in the process of creating CSFs and KPIs for a large business? What about a small business?
  • Should the IT department be consulted before a company finalizes its CSFs and KPIs? How could feedback from an IT manager affect the language of CSFs and KPIs? 

Explanation & Answer:
500 words
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Explanation & Answer

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Enterprise Modeling

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The Case for Letting Business Solve Social Problems

How do the decisions across the three different managerial levels differ?
The extent of the options chosen determines how decisions at different levels differ

from one another. The highest management levels make long-term decisions that impact the
entire organization, whereas lower-level management makes decisions that affect daily
activities. All decisions connect to hiring, scheduling, arranging, leading, and managing
general management tasks. Different management levels devote more time than others to
different roles.

When you or managers you have had in the past made decisions at each of the
different levels, did you or did they have sufficient data and understanding to
make a decision? Discuss an example of a decision made with insufficient data or
information and its result.
The firm's managers, including myself, frequently have access to enough data to make

decisions. We occasionally had to make decisions without all the necessary information,
though. For instance, I recall conducting interviews in my previous position as an HR
manager. Because of the problem with the pandemic, we had to undertake our search for a
new office assistant di...

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