MBA 565 Module 1 Environment Scan in Marketing Discussion

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Business Finance

MBA 565



Imagine yourself an entrepreneur (in the industry of your choice) planning to introduce a new product (of your choice) to the marketplace in today’s environment. Provide an Environmental Scan of how you view those “uncontrollable” elements affecting the potential success of your new product. Provide at least one point for each of the five environmental forces in your scan (technological, economic, political/regulatory, social/cultural, competitive). Be sure that you show you have conducted research for each of those points by citing your source using APA format (after each point) and listing your source at the end of your post.

  1. Post your Environmental Scan (not as a Word document; type the Scan into the discussion board).
  2. Describe your product/service and the industry it represents.
  3. Discuss the two main challenges you see from your Scan.
  4. Discuss what strategies you could put in place to overcome each of those challenges.

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ENVIRONMENTAL SCAN TEMPLATE Social/Cultural Considerations • Who has purchasing power in the household? Male or female? Are roles changing in the culture? • What level of education do people attain? • What media does your target market use the most? • Who are the influencers/advocates of brands like yours? • What is the fastest growing segment of the population (e.g., Hispanic? Asian?) Political//Regulatory Considerations • How stable is the political environment? • What is the role of government in your industry? • Are there specific regulations/laws affecting your industry? Marketing in general? • What are the regulations re: data collection and privacy that affect your company/industry? Economic Considerations • What is the projected total population of your intended target market? • What is the growth rate of your target market? • What is the GDP/GNP? • What is the income range of your target market? • What other economic factors do you need to consider (e.g., unemployment rate, consumer spending trends, supply chain concerns?) Technological Considerations • What are some trends in technology today (e.g., AI/virtual reality used by consumers (Alexa)? • What % of your target market own smartphones, smartwatches, etc.? • How can you leverage new technology to create personal relationships with your target market? • How can you use traditional technology and media to your advantage (TV, print, etc.) Competitive Considerations • Who are the two major competitors for your type of product in your industry? What is your point of differentiation? • What is your competitive advantage? • Is there an opportunity for collaboration/partnership with other similar companies? • How innovative are you in comparison? • How big is the market? Prepared by: P. G. Aaltonen April/2020
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