Case Study: Industry Transformation with Big Data

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Business Finance


  1. What is the value of revenue management?
  2. What is Duetto’s product? What is its value proposition?
  3. What is the Information System design at the heart of the initiative? How has Duetto architected its technology and business infrastructure in order to deliver its service?
  4. Is Duetto a success? What metrics would you use to measure success? Would you invest in it as a spinoff business?
  5. If Duetto is successful in getting traction do you think it will be a sustainable business? Could competitors easily imitate it?
  6. a.Title page (APA) b.Case overview c.Case Questions d.Alternative analysis (Another point of view?) e.Conclusion f.References (APA) g.headings and sub-headings

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Duetto Case Study
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Case Overview

Duetto’e original name was Duetto Consulting, founded by Patrick Bosworth and Marco
Benvenuti in June 2010. Their major aim was to revolutionize the hospitality industry revenue
management strategies in order for them to realize and take advantage of data proliferation and
digital data streams. Duetto focused on revenue management strategies as opposed to the other
issues that companies in the hospitality industry were facing such as lodging management. The
owner’s main problem came about when most other companies were invading the revenue
management software space while they still lacked the financing to fuel its growth. With the new
entrants, the company had to focus on long term growth as opposed to the short term view. They
had to choose among several options which included laying major focus on independent
operations and organic growth, or seeking an early exit selling to an established revenue
management vendor. Focusing on organic growth would mean helping the hospitality and
lodging operators which was their original vision (Lynda, Piccoli, and Pigni, 2015).
The revenue management motto in the hotel industry involves selling ‘the right room at
the right rate at the right time to the right customer’ (Lynda, Piccoli, and Pigni, 2015). The
revenue management practices focus on price optimization with an aim of generating the highest
revenues. To effectively manage revenue, the company basic...

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