Biblical and Theological Studies Annotated Bibliography

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For this assignment, create an annotated bibliography using correct Turabian style:

  1. Focus on the topic you chose for the "Preparing to Write a Graduate Paper in Biblical and Theological Studies" assignment. Use the five peer-reviewed journal articles you collected in Topic 2 on your Turabian Bibliography assignment.
  2. For each article, write the bibliographic citation in Turabian format (you should be able to just cut and paste this from your Turabian Bibliography assignment), followed by a short summary of no more than one paragraph (100-150 words). In the summary explain the main scholarly contribution of the article and briefly paraphrase or quote one main idea discussed in the article. Make sure selected quotations are introduced and integrated into the text of the paragraph. See "UNV-505 Annotated Bibliography Example" for an example of this.

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1 Bibliography Sandra B. McNeal UNV 505: Introduction to Graduate Studies in Ministry and Theology August 29, 2022 2 Bibliography Bugiulescu, Marin. "Theological and Dogmatic Definition of the God-Man Jesus Christ Person." ICOANA CREDINTEI. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Scientific Research 2, no. 04 (October 2016): 13-20. Https:// Fuller, Reginald Horace. The foundations of New Testament christology. ISD LLC, 2nd Ed. Published by James Clarke and Company, 2022. Hasker, William. "The one divine nature." Essays on the Trinity. Edited by Lincoln Harvey, (2018): 85. Labuschagne, Kobus. "A hermeneutical reflection on the resurrection of Jesus Christ in question and answer 45 of the Heidelberg Catechism." In die Skriflig 47, no. 2 (January 2013): 110. Https:// Lett, Jonathan. "The Divine Identity of Jesus as the Reason for Israel's Unbelief in John 12: 36– 43." Journal of Biblical Literature 135, no. 1 (April 2016): 159-173. Https:// Suggs, M. Jack. "Wisdom, Christology, and Law in Matthew's Gospel." In Wisdom, Christology, and Law in Matthew's Gospel. Harvard University Press (October 2013). 1-118. Https:// Tilling, Chris. Paul's divine Christology. Mohr Siebeck, 2012. Ummikkuzhy, Rajesh Cherian. "Jesus Christ: the christological insights of Vincent Pallotti." Apostolato Universale 21, no. 48 (November 2019): 95-122. Https:// Welker, Michael. God the revealed: Christology. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2013. Wright, Nicholas Thomas. Who was Jesus?. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2014.
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Religion Annotated Bibliography



Religion Annotated Bibliography
Labuschagne, Kobus. "A hermeneutical reflection on the resurrection of Jesus Christ in
question and answer 45 of the Heidelberg Catechism." In die Skriflig 47, no. 2
(January 2013): 1-10. Https://
The main aim of this article is to present a hermeneutical explanation and reflection
on the resurrection of Jesus Christ with attention to answer 45 of the Heidelberg
Catechism. In the reflection, the article not only conveys the foundation of answer 45
of the Heidelberg Catechism but to also provide the underlying hermeneutical
thinking that forms its basis. The article makes a roust conclusion that the redemption,
salvation, new life and the future of man is founded on the salvation of Jesus Christ.
In the absence of this phenomenon, the future of humanity would not have been
guaranteed. The article also reveals that through the resurrection of Christ, humans are
able to have a better understanding of the nature of God.
Lett, Jonathan. "The Divine Identity of Jesus as the Reason for Israel's Unbelief in John 12:
36–43." Journal of Biblical Literature 135, no. 1 (April 2016): 159-173.
This article uses the book of Isaiah 52: 13 and 53:12 to explain a phenomenon
described in John 12:36-42. In the latter text, John explains Israel’s unbelief, and
perhaps their rejection of Jesus Christ. The author uses these texts to explain the
extent to which the rejection and humiliation of Jesus Christ symbolized the glory of
God. The author explains the surprising phenomenon where although God descended
to Israelites through Jesus Christ, they still could not recognize him. Instead, they
rejected him, humiliated and finally executed him. The most important lesson from


this article that all the sufferings, trials, temptations and tribulations that Jesus Christ
underwent was for the glory of God.
Hasker, William. "The one divine nature." Essays on the Trinity. Edited by Lincoln
Harvey, (2018): 85.
Trinity is a concept that may appear simple but which is hardly understood by many
Christians and scholars. In this article, the author makes an elaborate discussion of the
concept of Trinity and its divine nature. To begin with, the author describes trinity to
be consisting of God the father, God the son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. While
they are different, they operate in oneness to the glory of God. Thus, when Jesus came
on earth, although he was God, he never proclaimed to be God and acted with
humility, reflecting the Glory of God. The character of Jesus Christ perfectly reflects
the nature of the trinity.
Ummikkuzhy, Rajesh Cherian. "Jesus Christ: the christological insights of Vincent
Pallotti." Apostolato Universale 21, no. 48 (November 2019): 95-122.
The main purpose of this article is to expand the Christological understanding of
Vincent Pallotti. The analysis of this understanding begins with the Holy Trinity
which is mainly understood in the twin contexts of God’s mercy and love. It is
through the love and mercy of God that the creation is founded and it is further
evidenced in the grace that God has extended to humanity. This article presents a
robust analysis of the nature of God as well as the connection between Christ and
God. Through this article, the author presents the extent to which Jesus was critical in
the plan of God from the creation of the world.


Wright, Nicholas Thomas. Who was Jesus?. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. Grand Rapids,
Michigan, 2014.
Who was Jesus? Or perhaps, who is Jesus? This is a question that many scholars of
theology have striven to answer. In the former question, the focus is on the man who
lived here on earth among men, a man who died and resurrected. However, in the
latter question, the focus is on the character who has been in existence since the
foundation of the world. In answering this question, the author discusses the nature of
Jesus that was witnessed here on earth and which represented the nature of God. This
article presents an in-depth and abundance of information that may be immensely
impactful in the explanation of the character and nature of the divine.

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Preparing to Write a Graduate Paper

Student A. Sample
Course Prefix-Number: Course Title
Month Day, Year

Preparing to Write a Graduate Paper in Biblical and Theological Studies
(Please Use This Template and Place Your Answers Below My Examples)
Instructions for Choosing Topic. The general topic for all assignments must revolve around Jesus. So,
share with me your topic that concerns Jesus. It might be his teaching style, a doctrine about him, how the
name of Jesus is used today, and so on. But it must be about Jesus in some way.
Topic Example: The Fivefold ministry in Ephesians
My Topic: The Pre-incarnation of Jesus and what it has to do with his ministry on earth
Instructions for Research Question. The research question is the question you want to answer
concerning the topic you are researching. It must be an open-ended question. Do not use “and” in the
question because inevitably it leads to two questions. Instead, you want a single straight-forward question.
Also, the question must be focused enough that you can answer it within the limits of the final paper.
Research Question Example: How does the Fivefold ministry promote the Unity of the Body of
My Research Question (make sure it reads succinctly like the example): What does the preincarnation of Christ tell about his ministry on earth?

Instructions for Thesis Statement. The thesis statement is the answer to your research question. It
should also be succinct, but deep enough to provide a full-sentence answer.
Thesis Statement Example: The Five-fold ministry promotes unity by training Christians for
the work of the ministry with a result of Christians ministering to one another.
My Thesis Statement: The pre-incarnation of Jesus Christ reveals the human and divine

nature of Jesus and the mission of Jesus on earth besides demonstrating his humility and
Instructions for Titling the Research. Every research paper needs a title. Your title should come from
your thesis statement. Do not make it a full sentence but provide a very basic overview statement as a
Title Example: The Five-Fold Ministry: Training Christians to Minister for the Sake of Unity
My Title: The pre-incarnation of Jesus and his mission on earth
Instructions for an Introduction. Provide your introduction below. For a paper this size, it should be
short and act as a funnel. The first sentence is a general attention grabber. The second (and third if
necessary) sentence(s) narrow(s) the focus of the reader’s attention. The third/fourth sentence is the thesis
statement. Provide your Introduction below.
Introduction Example: The hour is late. Tensions are at a breaking point over a minor issue in
the church. This scene is all too common. Conversely, according to Ephesians, this church should
be working together in unity based on the fivefold ministry. But how does the fivefold ministry
promote unity? It does so by training Christians for the work of the ministry with a result of
Christians ministering to one another.

My Introductory Paragraph: Jesus Christ is perhaps one of the most popular yet little
understood characters in t...

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