St Thomas University Public Health Reducing Hospital Readmission Discussion

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Health Medical

ST Thomas University


After reviewing Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, you will select a diagnosis among high-risk patient populations that are commonly readmitted to the hospital. Prepare a paper that examines the rationale for readmissions among this population and provide evidence-based interventions for reducing hospital readmissions in this population.


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Public Health Reducing Hospital Readmission

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Public Health Reducing Hospital Readmission
One of the diagnoses affecting older adults as a high-risk patient population is a chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is ranked among the leading causes of death
worldwide. Although healthcare organizations provide quality care to patients through inpatient
care programs, the number of patients readmitted to hospitals for COPD is still high. Some of the
reasons that cause readmission of elderly patients with COPD include male gender, length of
hospital stay, comorbidities, patient demographics, health insurance, and type of hospital
selected by the patient. Hospital readmission increases the financial burden on patients because
the healthcare cost for readmission is relatively high. In the worst-case scenario, readmission of
patients with COPD exposes them to death. Thus, the paper has also analyzed evidence-based
interventions such as pulmonary rehabilitation, self-management plans, patient education, and
home-based care through telehealth technology to reduce the risk and burden of hospital

One essential basic need for every individual is health and disease-free. Nonetheless, risk
factors for many diseases continue increasing, thus exposing people to many diseases. Some
diseases require medical attention, such that patients are admitted to hospitals. Patients in
hospitals receive maximum attention from healthcare providers to foster their recovery. Once
they recover, patients are discharged from hospitals. Unfortunately, some diagnoses force
patients to seek hospital readmission because their recovery did not eliminate the disease in the
system. In this paper, the selected patient populatio...

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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