Rowan University Cultural and Societal Differences Discussion

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Rowan University


¿1.) Of the 4 major cultural and societal differences between the Native Americans and the Europeans, which do you think had the biggest negative impact on their relationship? Why?  

2.) How do you think History would be different if the Portuguese never sailed south to Africa or around the continent to India and S.E. Asia? How would life have potentially been different in Europe? In Africa? In the New World and

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History Discussion

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History Discussion
Question #1
Native Americans and Europeans share many significant differences from their past
generation's cultures and beliefs. Social, religious, and economic differences may lead to
incompatibility of relationships between native Americans and Europeans. I agree that one
significant difference that has a major negative impact on native Americans' and Europeans'
relationship is the art of social lifestyles in connection to religious beliefs.
Native Americans have a culture of sharing resources that Native Americans believe they
were given by the ancestral spirits and the belief of working together as a community to achieve
the desired resource. Europeans arguably believe that there is a supreme being; God, who blessed
the world with resources; therefore, a man must use the God-given resources to work hard to
achieve his success (Dinesen et al.,2020)
European culture believes in the capitalistic state in a society where one is subjected to
making his wealth and claiming rights on resources that are God-given for private ownership.
Native Americans believe in community-owned resources and sharing of one's wealth with the
less fortunate people in society. Native Americans and Europeans will never reach common
ground regarding natural resources and wealth, negatively impacting the relationship between
stated races.
Question #2
The Portuguese were introduced into new lands when Vasco da Gama first sailed to
Africa and India. History changed modern society regarding religion, trade, and slavery. If the
Portuguese never sailed to Africa, India, and the southeast of Asia, I do agree that history would

be different in factors like; lack of Christianity assimilation in Africa, the economic power of
Portugal, reduced racial difference in Portugal, and less farming technology in the new sailed to
lands (Horton et al., 2021).
Portuguese missionaries introduced a new Christianity religion and beliefs to the
Africans, who Portuguese missionaries assimilated into the catholic religion. If the Portuguese
never sailed to Africa, then most Africans would still believe in spiritual supreme beings and
ancestors who were prayed to by the Africans. As history states, the Portuguese sailors also
traded Africans and en...

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