Idaho State University Biopsychosocial Discussion

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Idaho State University


Katie is a 20 year old female who has recently moved to Pocatello to complete an undergraduate degree at Idaho State University. She has noticed changes in her mood and behavior in last few months. She often feels “blue” and has had trouble getting out of bed to attend class. Katie has also noticed that she has been eating less than normal. Although Katie herself has never been diagnosed with mental disorder, she recalls her mother being especially sad and withdrawn for extended periods of time when Katie was a child. In the past, Katie’s boyfriend provided her with a lot of support but their relationship ended a month before she arrived in Pocatello. Currently, Katie is also spending a lot of time thinking and worrying about how well she will do in school, how she can make new friends, and wondering if she made a mistake when she left home .

Explain the biopsychosocial approach to understanding the causes of abnormality. How might this approach be applied to understanding Katie's case?

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Evaluation of Biopsychosocial Approach

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The biopsychosocial approach was pioneered by Drs. John Romano and George Engel at
the University of Rochester. The biopsychosocial approach emphasizes on the significance of
comprehending illnesses and human health through evaluation of the fuller context (Gilbert,
2019). Therefore, the biopsychosocial approach methodically considers biological, psychosocial
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